Message from @Monte Carlo
Discord ID: 538034116072046632
Lmao auto correct
I'm not
im not being mean
im just
expressing my inner thoughts
which are that u being born in 2004 is funny
but by no means am i saying ur gay
Dude if I broke up with her she'd prolly kill herself
So no
Yikes, you got one of those girls
I mean
I love her a lot
So it's good to know she likes me that much
Those girls will bring you down bro
coming on ip2 discord to talk about not being able to get it up
Uncharted 1 was so good
What’s wrong with playing older games
Maclad, tell that puta madre to snap back to reality
Oh there goes gravity
Do you play fortnite or something?
no whats wrong is that in 2007 you were still a lil crybaby bitch
n u couldn have experienced any of taht shit
experiencing half life 2 in 2019 is not like experiencing it in 2004
Well I started playing video games when I was 3
Hmm lose yourself
First game console I had was N64
Grand theft auto 3
i first got my first gta 3 cd when u prolly werent born yet
let that sink in
i fucking still have it somewhere maybe