Message from @🍀The Immortal Mortal (T.1.M)🍀

Discord ID: 539625014710894602

2019-01-29 01:55:38 UTC

I have small pp

2019-01-29 01:55:41 UTC

So yeh

2019-01-29 01:55:44 UTC



Ou I like cactuses

2019-01-29 01:55:56 UTC

Your name is bars and the gay and then more bars @ıllıllı ᴋɪᴋɪ ıllıllı


2019-01-29 01:56:13 UTC


2019-01-29 01:56:16 UTC


2019-01-29 01:56:16 UTC

Your useless

2019-01-29 01:56:19 UTC


2019-01-29 01:56:22 UTC

That’s rude


2019-01-29 01:56:30 UTC

K I'm sorry cutie 😘 😘

2019-01-29 01:56:34 UTC

dont be sorry

2019-01-29 01:56:38 UTC

its truthful

2019-01-29 01:56:43 UTC

They deny tomatism


*leaves server*

2019-01-29 01:57:08 UTC

AS far as im concerned if you deny tomatism you're good as dead

@Jerry do you worship cthulhu

2019-01-29 01:57:17 UTC

I worship 🍅 s fool

2019-01-29 01:57:21 UTC

the 🍅 gods know all

2019-01-29 01:57:25 UTC

see all

2019-01-29 01:57:29 UTC

@SepTheDepp come thru

2019-01-29 01:57:32 UTC

they are everying this world has to offer

2019-01-29 01:57:49 UTC

What the fuck is wrong with this niggas thumb

@Jerry cthulhu will end you

2019-01-29 01:57:55 UTC

@🍀The Immortal Mortal (T.1.M)🍀 Tomatism is the official server religion You can even consult sep about it nigger

2019-01-29 01:58:02 UTC

Hes one of the 🍅 gods

2019-01-29 01:58:15 UTC

@erebus thats my thumb niggga

2019-01-29 01:58:20 UTC

<:FeelsWeirdMan:516860119431249940> <:NigGun:495099915467358239> talk shit get hit with tomatoes

@erebus why are you sending random pics of girls

2019-01-29 01:58:32 UTC

Joseph go to the doctor

2019-01-29 01:58:37 UTC

🍅 🍅 🍅

2019-01-29 01:58:37 UTC

I'm not

2019-01-29 01:58:37 UTC


2019-01-29 01:58:42 UTC

2019-01-29 01:58:43 UTC

That shit sent itself

2019-01-29 01:58:46 UTC

I'm scared