Message from @Tommy Hagen

Discord ID: 539703195430027274

2019-01-29 06:51:29 UTC

dont worry the phone gets cleaned thoroughly

2019-01-29 06:52:20 UTC

2019-01-29 06:52:25 UTC

jodie lmfao

2019-01-29 06:52:27 UTC

whats good bro

2019-01-29 06:52:30 UTC

welcome to my crib

2019-01-29 06:53:54 UTC

2019-01-29 06:54:19 UTC

wtf since when did nz get vegan ben & jerrys

2019-01-29 06:54:37 UTC

@kat did you know about this

2019-01-29 06:55:09 UTC

too fucking expensive though

2019-01-29 06:55:34 UTC

unilever make it real easy to dislike their scummy corporation

2019-01-29 07:01:56 UTC

<@239900017240965120> kys

2019-01-29 07:02:15 UTC

2019-01-29 07:02:45 UTC

2019-01-29 07:04:35 UTC


2019-01-29 07:04:36 UTC


2019-01-29 07:04:36 UTC

2019-01-29 07:04:37 UTC


2019-01-29 07:04:39 UTC


2019-01-29 07:05:00 UTC

i love 2013 ari sm <:pepeHands:530820912157818910>

2019-01-29 07:07:46 UTC

Victoria Justice > Ariana Grande

2019-01-29 07:07:48 UTC

debate me

2019-01-29 07:08:21 UTC

she's hot but nobody even cares about her these days

2019-01-29 07:08:26 UTC

apart from jerk off material

2019-01-29 07:08:43 UTC

why would it matter if people cared about her?

2019-01-29 07:08:51 UTC

who gives a shit about being relevant

2019-01-29 07:09:00 UTC

as long as she's a nice person

2019-01-29 07:09:25 UTC

how would we know if she's nice or not when she's gone quiet for years

2019-01-29 07:09:44 UTC


2019-01-29 07:09:46 UTC

we judge her on when she wasn't quiet?

2019-01-29 07:09:47 UTC


2019-01-29 07:09:49 UTC

she was nice then

2019-01-29 07:09:50 UTC

More like

2019-01-29 07:09:53 UTC

She has nice feet

2019-01-29 07:09:54 UTC


2019-01-29 07:10:01 UTC


2019-01-29 07:10:03 UTC

more like

2019-01-29 07:10:14 UTC

let's be real

2019-01-29 07:10:14 UTC

time to build a pyramid

2019-01-29 07:10:15 UTC

or something

2019-01-29 07:10:17 UTC


2019-01-29 07:10:18 UTC
