Message from @EOR bismuth

Discord ID: 540255260187295746

2019-01-30 19:40:21 UTC


2019-01-30 19:40:23 UTC

I'll send pic rn

2019-01-30 19:40:25 UTC

fuck off abo slut

2019-01-30 19:40:30 UTC

ladies, manta is 17

2019-01-30 19:40:31 UTC

@loner with a boner die ive said that before i knew you even existed

2019-01-30 19:40:33 UTC

i confirmed

2019-01-30 19:40:37 UTC


2019-01-30 19:40:39 UTC

@Jerry what does that mean

2019-01-30 19:40:42 UTC

@Jerry who r u

2019-01-30 19:40:54 UTC

nah youre an eslut fuck that i come on here for banter loool@EOR bismuth

2019-01-30 19:40:59 UTC


2019-01-30 19:41:06 UTC

2019-01-30 19:41:10 UTC

@loner with a boner Im fucking josiff wdym who am i lmao

2019-01-30 19:41:11 UTC

katy ^

2019-01-30 19:41:21 UTC


2019-01-30 19:41:21 UTC

@is ya goy <:FAKE:495080483458252813>

2019-01-30 19:41:24 UTC

ye i’m a fat negro woman

2019-01-30 19:41:24 UTC

@Jerry is 15

2019-01-30 19:41:28 UTC

i didnt change

2019-01-30 19:41:31 UTC

im the same

2019-01-30 19:41:33 UTC


2019-01-30 19:41:35 UTC

This is me

2019-01-30 19:41:38 UTC


2019-01-30 19:41:40 UTC

@is ya goy ive literally never told you my age nigger

2019-01-30 19:41:42 UTC

@EOR bismuth your life is sad

2019-01-30 19:41:45 UTC


2019-01-30 19:41:47 UTC


2019-01-30 19:41:53 UTC


2019-01-30 19:41:57 UTC

@Jerry yet you want assume mine lool

2019-01-30 19:42:01 UTC


2019-01-30 19:42:03 UTC

@Balga who are you?

2019-01-30 19:42:10 UTC

@Balga looooooool tri

2019-01-30 19:42:15 UTC

@is ya goy im about to be 16 fr though i say about to eb 16 to protect my fragile ego

2019-01-30 19:42:19 UTC
2019-01-30 19:42:20 UTC

2019-01-30 19:42:21 UTC

@EOR bismuth he’s a lil peep Stan

2019-01-30 19:42:25 UTC

@EOR bismuth someone who's not a loser like you

2019-01-30 19:42:27 UTC


2019-01-30 19:42:31 UTC


2019-01-30 19:42:32 UTC

@brittany luv u