Message from @d__e__x__t__e__r

Discord ID: 540481975451123713

2019-01-31 10:40:21 UTC

dont talk to me

2019-01-31 10:40:27 UTC

@Man see

2019-01-31 10:40:29 UTC


2019-01-31 10:40:31 UTC

Flirting with my gf etc

2019-01-31 10:40:38 UTC

Oh Im sorry you must be autistic I will not sorry

2019-01-31 10:40:43 UTC


2019-01-31 10:40:49 UTC

you're and edater arent you l0l

2019-01-31 10:40:50 UTC

Sawy mayne

2019-01-31 10:40:52 UTC

of course you'd flirt

2019-01-31 10:40:58 UTC

LOL edater

2019-01-31 10:41:11 UTC

Everyone here it is

2019-01-31 10:41:21 UTC

i've come here to laugh

2019-01-31 10:41:32 UTC

you kids never disappoint me

2019-01-31 10:41:46 UTC

2019-01-31 10:42:05 UTC

Nah i ain't no edater

2019-01-31 10:42:07 UTC

my life is really good compared to all of you losers

2019-01-31 10:42:07 UTC

I miss <:melissa_not_amused:492179997663166474>

2019-01-31 10:42:09 UTC

really feels good

2019-01-31 10:42:18 UTC

knowing there's losers like you

2019-01-31 10:42:22 UTC


2019-01-31 10:42:24 UTC


2019-01-31 10:42:24 UTC


2019-01-31 10:42:44 UTC

when was the last time you kids lifted something heavier than 5 pounds?

2019-01-31 10:42:45 UTC

I ain't a loser what you saying

2019-01-31 10:42:53 UTC

someone called man tells us were loosers but has nothing better to do

2019-01-31 10:42:53 UTC

@Man yesterday

2019-01-31 10:42:57 UTC


2019-01-31 10:43:07 UTC

Neck urself faggot gtfo out if u don't like it

2019-01-31 10:43:13 UTC

aaaand 5 mins ago

2019-01-31 10:43:13 UTC

fucking spic

2019-01-31 10:43:16 UTC

Dude yesterday i almost died in gym it was hard af

2019-01-31 10:43:54 UTC

yea you finally lifted the 7 pound dumbbell

2019-01-31 10:44:03 UTC

was hard wasnt it

2019-01-31 10:44:06 UTC

Lol no

2019-01-31 10:44:13 UTC

ur scum

2019-01-31 10:44:25 UTC

When did you hit the gym last time?

2019-01-31 10:44:43 UTC

@Man better to be a scum than a spic

2019-01-31 10:44:55 UTC

just got back 30 minutes ago after fucking a model when i first woke up

2019-01-31 10:45:04 UTC


2019-01-31 10:45:09 UTC


2019-01-31 10:45:12 UTC

Keep telling lies to yourself