Message from @Vinklo

Discord ID: 540481422394130438

2019-01-31 10:38:07 UTC

Nigga what

2019-01-31 10:38:13 UTC


2019-01-31 10:38:16 UTC

2019-01-31 10:38:21 UTC


2019-01-31 10:38:27 UTC

2019-01-31 10:38:38 UTC


2019-01-31 10:38:44 UTC

lol wtf nigga how?

2019-01-31 10:38:56 UTC

mmm nesquik

2019-01-31 10:38:58 UTC

Dead inside

2019-01-31 10:39:28 UTC

nesquik was my fav

2019-01-31 10:39:30 UTC

2019-01-31 10:39:37 UTC

my FAG

2019-01-31 10:39:41 UTC


2019-01-31 10:39:45 UTC

serious question

2019-01-31 10:39:50 UTC

what do you do with your lives?

2019-01-31 10:39:52 UTC


2019-01-31 10:39:59 UTC

you kids sit on discord all day

2019-01-31 10:40:01 UTC

chatting it up

2019-01-31 10:40:03 UTC

Suck off pepe

2019-01-31 10:40:10 UTC


2019-01-31 10:40:12 UTC

Wbu negro

2019-01-31 10:40:20 UTC

@Man im working n shit

2019-01-31 10:40:20 UTC

Improving my football skills

2019-01-31 10:40:21 UTC

dont talk to me

2019-01-31 10:40:27 UTC

@Man see

2019-01-31 10:40:29 UTC


2019-01-31 10:40:31 UTC

Flirting with my gf etc

2019-01-31 10:40:38 UTC

Oh Im sorry you must be autistic I will not sorry

2019-01-31 10:40:43 UTC


2019-01-31 10:40:49 UTC

you're and edater arent you l0l

2019-01-31 10:40:50 UTC

Sawy mayne

2019-01-31 10:40:52 UTC

of course you'd flirt

2019-01-31 10:40:58 UTC

LOL edater

2019-01-31 10:41:11 UTC

Everyone here it is

2019-01-31 10:41:21 UTC

i've come here to laugh

2019-01-31 10:41:32 UTC

you kids never disappoint me

2019-01-31 10:41:46 UTC

2019-01-31 10:42:05 UTC

Nah i ain't no edater

2019-01-31 10:42:07 UTC

my life is really good compared to all of you losers

2019-01-31 10:42:07 UTC

I miss <:melissa_not_amused:492179997663166474>

2019-01-31 10:42:09 UTC

really feels good