Message from @ded

Discord ID: 541005367354589205

2019-02-01 21:20:07 UTC


2019-02-01 21:20:10 UTC

double press

2019-02-01 21:20:18 UTC

yeah thank you

2019-02-01 21:20:26 UTC

|| sora find a lost indian boy named kamexa and teach him about the keyblade and trains him for the upcoming war ||

2019-02-01 21:20:27 UTC


2019-02-01 21:20:28 UTC

||youre a faggot ||

2019-02-01 21:20:37 UTC

indian boy <:cmonBrug:494982864916709386>

2019-02-01 21:21:01 UTC


2019-02-01 21:21:05 UTC


2019-02-01 21:21:12 UTC


2019-02-01 21:21:15 UTC

no its not same

2019-02-01 21:21:21 UTC

" here in america "

2019-02-01 21:21:33 UTC

where are you actually from

2019-02-01 21:21:35 UTC

ik <:FeelsWeirdMan:516860119431249940>

2019-02-01 21:21:39 UTC

because thats not an american accent

2019-02-01 21:21:44 UTC

|| but freepz fall into darkness and betray the hope of light to rebuild his country back to super power india ||

2019-02-01 21:21:52 UTC

your accent

2019-02-01 21:21:54 UTC

isnt american

2019-02-01 21:21:55 UTC


2019-02-01 21:22:10 UTC

u ded boi @Alpaca <:NigGun:495099915467358239>

2019-02-01 21:22:14 UTC

thats how they write kingdom heart

2019-02-01 21:22:16 UTC


2019-02-01 21:22:18 UTC

shut up fucking dummy

2019-02-01 21:22:21 UTC

typical anime crap

2019-02-01 21:22:24 UTC

he is american

2019-02-01 21:22:32 UTC

nomura must have been so drunk to write kh story

2019-02-01 21:22:33 UTC


2019-02-01 21:22:36 UTC

fake american

2019-02-01 21:22:37 UTC

fuck off

2019-02-01 21:22:41 UTC

i didnt say he wasnt american i said his accent isnt american

2019-02-01 21:22:42 UTC

fuk up niggers

2019-02-01 21:22:42 UTC


2019-02-01 21:22:44 UTC

i think i can write a better story

2019-02-01 21:22:50 UTC

hum maybe

2019-02-01 21:22:54 UTC

fake american

2019-02-01 21:23:32 UTC

2019-02-01 21:23:38 UTC

im american

2019-02-01 21:23:42 UTC


2019-02-01 21:23:42 UTC

spoiler machine broke

2019-02-01 21:23:46 UTC
