Message from @gabe_brouse
Discord ID: 277323980678103040
"also guys if you have good vids of antifa being antifa, especially where they threaten to steal or smash cameras
please message them to me
i am spending my whole weekend compiling a 3 minute supercut of these events, along with them assaulting people
it'll be hate porn
rage porn actually
i'm looking for, in specific, this one clip where the antifaggot is counting down from 30 seconds before he "takes someones phone"
i cant fucking find it
it's pre berkeley maybe from the nyu protest"
@DoctorPiss Do you want me to start a thread there with this?
Holy kek, gotta give this Gabe guy credit for being so dedicated
Holy shit you aint lyin
Gabe pullin all the stops
kek, what are you fags gonna do?
what did he do, i'm out of voice
yes, i want threads started so i can find this damn video
He doxin them Antifa-gs
and im currently unable tos tart threads unless i bother with a new vpn and i like my current vpn
stay off of 8/pol:
that is what gabe does
we are machines and we dox antifa and antifa accessories
we don't want you faggots there
Gabe, you're great dude, but you need to turn it down a notch.
Damn, at least your dedicated.
says the fag who has cuck porn saved on his computer
>no fun allowed
>white genocide is funny
@DoctorPiss join the voice channel
excuse me for wanting to live in a world where my grandchildren are white and can find white mates
voice channel makes it hard for me to work
I'll explain
i need focus right now
^that's the coordinator
Here are some sources to support racial redpills for you guys to spread.......
Different races react differently to certain medical treatments.
Culture and behavior across populations is inextricably linked to their ethnic genes
Racially diverse communities suffer from depressed social cohesion and civic participation rates