Message from @TheXboxCriminaI

Discord ID: 542140181558460426

2019-02-05 00:29:37 UTC


2019-02-05 00:29:46 UTC

@Jerry <:peepoLove:534475869641768970> 🍅 people took the test today and couldnt finish it and cried rip rip rip <:Pepega:509114252041125889>

2019-02-05 00:29:57 UTC

i always hear ppl talk ab him like hes the best

2019-02-05 00:30:02 UTC

X was already famous in memes because he knew who his audience was but he did become more famous after his death

2019-02-05 00:30:04 UTC

like wtf

2019-02-05 00:30:14 UTC

spotlight uh moonlight uh

2019-02-05 00:30:15 UTC

i think most of his music is bad but he has some get songs

2019-02-05 00:30:26 UTC

he has a couple ok songs

2019-02-05 00:30:27 UTC

Yea aight

2019-02-05 00:30:29 UTC

but other wise

2019-02-05 00:30:31 UTC


2019-02-05 00:30:33 UTC

Blueface baby

2019-02-05 00:30:41 UTC

is a meme

2019-02-05 00:30:47 UTC

Yea aight

2019-02-05 00:30:52 UTC

Blueface baby

2019-02-05 00:30:56 UTC

@catass riiip what type of math in particular?

2019-02-05 00:31:11 UTC

Algebra 2

2019-02-05 00:31:12 UTC


2019-02-05 00:31:15 UTC


2019-02-05 00:31:24 UTC

i hate that

2019-02-05 00:31:31 UTC
2019-02-05 00:31:38 UTC

2019-02-05 00:31:43 UTC

2019-02-05 00:31:44 UTC

@TheXboxCriminaI go to sleep

2019-02-05 00:31:45 UTC


2019-02-05 00:31:48 UTC

@Jerry solving trigonometric equations with sine and cosine and logs and that stuff

2019-02-05 00:31:51 UTC

2019-02-05 00:31:56 UTC


2019-02-05 00:32:03 UTC


2019-02-05 00:32:04 UTC

that's moa

2019-02-05 00:32:09 UTC

Sup guys

2019-02-05 00:32:15 UTC

wazup bwuddaaa

2019-02-05 00:32:15 UTC

its an open book test so they made it suuuuuuper hard

2019-02-05 00:32:25 UTC

Angel of down syndrome

2019-02-05 00:32:34 UTC

erebust a nut

2019-02-05 00:32:38 UTC


2019-02-05 00:32:39 UTC


2019-02-05 00:32:40 UTC


2019-02-05 00:32:52 UTC

Gonna go to sleep 💤 dream about a cutie

2019-02-05 00:32:56 UTC

It's a girl btw

2019-02-05 00:32:56 UTC