Message from @DanielBulleck

Discord ID: 537798108286025749

2018-12-15 08:00:49 UTC

1. Say it on a frequent basis <:TriHard:494994515665354772>
2. No Doxxing (posting any personal info including but not limited to: phone #s, addresses. legal names, license plates or private social media)
3. Do not sexualize minors.
4. Don't mass @ members in this discord, spam tag people.

Advice for moderators and admins on what to do if a rule is broken on **discord:**

1. Encourage them to say it more <:TriHard:494994515665354772>
2. Mute -> mute -> mute -> kick -> ban
3. Mute -> mute -> mute -> kick -> ban
4. Mute -> mute -> mute -> kick -> ban

2019-01-24 00:57:40 UTC

Rule 1 means, saying Thank You, Goodnight and Good Evening.

2019-02-28 21:39:01 UTC  

1. Say it on a frequent basis <:TriHard:494994515665354772>
2. No Doxxing (posting any personal info including but not limited to: phone #s, addresses. legal names, license plates or private social media)
3. Do not sexualize minors.
4. Don't mass @ members in this discord, spam tag people.
5. All gore and shock videos are not allowed in any SFW or NSFW channels.
6. You have to be 16+ to be in this discord.
7. Any NSFL content will get you either banned or demoted.
8. Posting NSFW in a non NSFW channel is heavily punishable.
9. Dont spam in a non spam channel.
10. No Epilepsy shit in chat
11. No girl avatarfagging for attention

Advice for moderators and admins on what to do if a rule is broken on discord:

1. Encourage them to say it more <:TriHard:494994515665354772>
2. Mute -> mute -> mute -> kick -> ban
3. Mute -> mute -> mute -> kick -> ban
4. Mute -> mute -> mute -> kick -> ban

2019-03-09 09:29:14 UTC  

12. Praise Billy Herrington.

2019-03-14 00:09:47 UTC  

We do atleast 2 @ everyones in a week, if getting pinged bothers you, please dont come here, and consider necking yourself tbh.