Message from @AfricanWarlord

Discord ID: 563854660809654283

2019-04-05 22:32:53 UTC  

i dont think so man

2019-04-05 22:33:08 UTC  

10 loafs of bread for an hour of you sitting on your ass

2019-04-05 22:33:20 UTC  

your 85 iq ass is lucky to have a job at all

2019-04-05 22:33:32 UTC  

and you're gonna bitch to me for 20 minutes about how you're gonna quit

2019-04-05 22:33:42 UTC  

go ahead dude you can do literally nothing else

2019-04-05 22:34:14 UTC  

why do so many people brag to me about $500k houses their friends bought

2019-04-05 22:34:17 UTC  

12 And God said: This is the sign of the covenant which I give between me and you, and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations.

2019-04-05 22:34:51 UTC  

This is the reality we have ended up in for God has promised not to wipe us out

2019-04-05 22:35:09 UTC  

Quantum Immortality is biblical

2019-04-05 22:35:11 UTC  
2019-04-05 22:35:29 UTC  
2019-04-05 22:35:58 UTC  

@pd why do u eat greens lol

2019-04-05 22:36:03 UTC  

They're not food

2019-04-05 22:36:05 UTC  

>why do so many people brag to me about $500k houses their friends bought
Because they want to feel like they're part of someone else's success without contributing anything

2019-04-05 22:36:18 UTC  

it's like how my dad brags about me being a good musician

2019-04-05 22:36:18 UTC  

they're not even successful just stupid

2019-04-05 22:36:25 UTC  

they make like 120k a year

2019-04-05 22:36:31 UTC  

and buy a 500k house lmao

2019-04-05 22:36:39 UTC  

Lol yup im here in an expensive ass house for no reason

2019-04-05 22:37:03 UTC  

If I was making 120k a year I would be living in a 120k dollar house

2019-04-05 22:37:07 UTC  

All I want is a small house on a few acres of pasture and woods

2019-04-05 22:37:07 UTC  

Like ~50

2019-04-05 22:37:07 UTC  

@pd god I wish that was me on the left

2019-04-05 22:37:29 UTC  

I want to be able to feed myself

2019-04-05 22:37:34 UTC  

Off my land

2019-04-05 22:37:57 UTC  

boomer gluttony

2019-04-05 22:38:04 UTC  

@AfricanWarlord why do dogs and cats chew grass

2019-04-05 22:38:08 UTC  

Shooting/trapping/dogs for hogs, my own pigs and chickens, falconry for small game

2019-04-05 22:38:20 UTC  

@Chips plants are medicine not food. They only eat it when theyre sick

2019-04-05 22:38:33 UTC  

Lol I guess you'd never had a dog or cat

2019-04-05 22:38:45 UTC  

jk, but nah that ain't tru

2019-04-05 22:38:57 UTC  

I think it's enzymes r some shiet

2019-04-05 22:39:09 UTC  


2019-04-05 22:39:18 UTC  

There's things in plants that are good in small quantities

2019-04-05 22:39:23 UTC  


2019-04-05 22:39:30 UTC  

Certain herbs have good properties

2019-04-05 22:39:41 UTC  

Literally 0 reason to eat them for calories

2019-04-05 22:39:43 UTC  

I know my mom's skin clears up if she has a salad a day

2019-04-05 22:40:05 UTC  

maybe t's just that she's not eating something else

2019-04-05 22:40:15 UTC  

And let me guess she's eating veg oil and other bullshit?

2019-04-05 22:40:44 UTC  

Plant oils are a complete scam