Message from @DisappearHere

Discord ID: 565677755799175188

2019-04-10 23:11:35 UTC  

wonder where those guys are now

2019-04-10 23:11:47 UTC  

psychedelican is a musician

2019-04-10 23:11:51 UTC  

and is on youtube

2019-04-10 23:12:07 UTC  

and he did a collab with OnYourComputer

2019-04-10 23:12:20 UTC  

not a music collab

2019-04-10 23:12:28 UTC  

a comedy collab

2019-04-10 23:12:54 UTC  

i actually tried tracking down most of the top MDE posters

2019-04-10 23:13:03 UTC  

almost all their accts are deleted/banned

2019-04-10 23:13:34 UTC  

/r/cumtown seems to be where many have migrated to, however

2019-04-10 23:14:05 UTC  

its better this way

2019-04-10 23:14:40 UTC

2019-04-10 23:14:54 UTC  

remember when Bones did a collab with MDE

2019-04-10 23:15:11 UTC  

ltd edition shirts and hoodies

2019-04-10 23:16:12 UTC  

there were vids of him and charls hanging out in LA

2019-04-10 23:17:13 UTC  

RIP charls

2019-04-10 23:18:30 UTC

2019-04-10 23:19:21 UTC

2019-04-10 23:20:08 UTC  

no im not usually into all the splinter groups

2019-04-10 23:20:35 UTC  

or the weird editors and artists sam hires

2019-04-10 23:20:58 UTC

2019-04-10 23:21:26 UTC  

this was on /r/socialism or some bullshit after that Fader article calling fantano alt-right

2019-04-10 23:22:20 UTC  

still think it's hilarious how a leftist nerd who mainly listens to hip hop and has a black wife was somehow accused of being a nazi

2019-04-10 23:22:23 UTC  

anyone remember the prime fantanoposting of 2011 & 12 on /mu/

2019-04-10 23:22:31 UTC  


2019-04-10 23:22:55 UTC  

i remember every other post was something about DG

2019-04-10 23:23:00 UTC  

classic times but somewhat insufferable

2019-04-10 23:23:03 UTC  

there was that ARG

2019-04-10 23:23:14 UTC  

yeah that was fucking insane

2019-04-10 23:23:40 UTC  

imagine thinking marrying a baboon will protect you from white hate

2019-04-10 23:23:59 UTC

2019-04-10 23:24:12 UTC  


2019-04-10 23:24:43 UTC  

well he is wearing his red flannel

2019-04-10 23:24:50 UTC  

for 0/10 aka NOT GOOD

2019-04-10 23:24:57 UTC  

so maybe it's coded racism

2019-04-10 23:26:08 UTC  

black girls are into white guys but rarely the reverse

2019-04-10 23:26:30 UTC  

has anyone noticed this

2019-04-10 23:26:39 UTC  


2019-04-10 23:26:51 UTC  

nobody like s black women

2019-04-10 23:26:53 UTC  

they smell

2019-04-10 23:27:16 UTC  

black guys are into white girls ofc

2019-04-10 23:27:35 UTC  

honestly every race is into white girls i would assume