Message from @CSPAN

Discord ID: 578925277720346624

2019-05-17 12:38:40 UTC  

hm yeah

2019-05-17 12:38:42 UTC  

and there was an annoying vegan liberal in chat

2019-05-17 12:38:42 UTC  

don't do that

2019-05-17 12:38:50 UTC  

he likely reported everyone

2019-05-17 12:39:07 UTC  

@everyone let this be a lesson to all of you regarding political discord servers

2019-05-17 12:39:12 UTC  

they are honeypots and you will be banned

2019-05-17 12:39:12 UTC  

I wasn't saying anything dumb, I was just there

2019-05-17 12:39:16 UTC  

yes they are

2019-05-17 12:39:46 UTC  

dude, I was on all kinds of straight up alt right servers INCLUDING the ones where charlottesville was planned

2019-05-17 12:39:53 UTC  

and I didn't get banned from that

2019-05-17 12:39:59 UTC  

it only takes one report from the right person

2019-05-17 12:40:10 UTC  

now I know how that works

2019-05-17 12:40:27 UTC  

you don't think discord has trusted partners that act as bloodhounds for wrong-think on their service?

2019-05-17 12:40:39 UTC  

I'm sure thta's what that kid was

2019-05-17 12:41:04 UTC  

he was being categorically contrarian to everything everyone said, as if he were trying to get them to exposition

2019-05-17 12:41:21 UTC  

@Dong i had a dream last night that i was wearing tea-glasses

2019-05-17 12:41:22 UTC  

his constant tone was weird, but now I understand that it was a technique

2019-05-17 12:41:28 UTC  

yeah he was probably recording as well

2019-05-17 12:41:35 UTC  

I'm sure he was

2019-05-17 12:42:08 UTC

2019-05-17 12:42:22 UTC  

whoa cool post ahmed

2019-05-17 12:42:52 UTC  

hey hag

2019-05-17 12:42:54 UTC  

you just got banned

2019-05-17 12:43:05 UTC  

maybe don't post political stuff

2019-05-17 12:43:13 UTC  

sorry that was a random meme

2019-05-17 12:43:39 UTC

2019-05-17 12:43:43 UTC  

there we go

2019-05-17 12:43:48 UTC  

@everyone this is a discord of peace

2019-05-17 12:44:02 UTC  

uh oh

2019-05-17 12:44:10 UTC  

I've heard that term before

2019-05-17 12:44:12 UTC  

Peace server

2019-05-17 12:45:03 UTC

2019-05-17 12:45:21 UTC  

@I_am_Ninja ask me why i'm about to pit you

2019-05-17 12:45:53 UTC  

Why are you about to pit me?

2019-05-17 12:47:53 UTC  

I need new memes

2019-05-17 12:48:02 UTC  

maybe I should go to r/memes

2019-05-17 12:48:14 UTC

2019-05-17 12:48:40 UTC  


2019-05-17 12:48:42 UTC  

Ah shit T... it's the Third Whackin'