Message from @Atlas
Discord ID: 277727327444533258
Which is why I'm asking now
@kingbobo >Just the logo sans text
Sorry, logo no text
Oh ok
Old graphic design habit
Do you guys wanna see what you are up against?
Taken from a lefty discord
I actually am in a discord full of literally mentally ill trannies
That guy's punch hurts just as any other, dont forget it
those fucking eyebrows
jesus fucking christ
I'm done disgusting you guys. Stay safe lads
Thanks Virgil, stay safe
take it easy
@Rush bye
@Atlas I'd honestly just buy like 4 or 5 and throw some your way free of charge
I'm taking off too, I'm working a lot of hours over the next couple days, but I'll let you know if my contacts in the RESIST movement plan anything
Good night all
seriously though that site will make patches for 7 bucks each or 4 bucks for 25 +
No black KKK no communist USA, hail trump!
aint you sweet bobo
It's only a few dollars and we're all working men here
seriously my hat is just a simple cadet hat with a fuzzy patch for the velcro
But let's try to get organized first yeah?
Are you kidding me? These guys are like 90% neets.
maybe you are
some of us wake up at 4 am to go to work