Message from @Fitzydog

Discord ID: 544672242559221771

2019-02-12 00:10:04 UTC  

Adaptations are not random. Mutations are . When a mutation has an advantage it is an adaptation. Think of it like a die roll but the roll is random (mutations) and permanent. So bad rolls basically never repeat except randomly. Out of this noise you occasionally get crit. That does not repeat randomly because it confers advantage.

Special note;

By advantage we mean an advantage for the mutation. *that does not mean an advantage for the organism or the species.*

2019-02-12 00:10:21 UTC  

Ok, memes aside and forget climate change, aren't you worried about the shit that's in the air? The concentration of toxic particles is so high that you can't breathe pure air not even on top of the Himalayas. All that shit comes down into the water we drink etc. Climate change seems like a secondary issue, but both sides sperg over that and forget the rest

2019-02-12 00:10:44 UTC  

Fuck China

2019-02-12 00:10:48 UTC  

@Jym I know how evolution works, I'm just going into depth here a bit

2019-02-12 00:10:49 UTC  

Fuck yeah, but you're gonna get diminishing returns continuing to take action in western countries.

2019-02-12 00:11:00 UTC  

we need to start putting pressure on china.

2019-02-12 00:11:39 UTC  

yeah, india, nigeria, indonesia, malaysia, and many other developing countries have issues too... but china is by far #1 per capita on basically everything bad in regards to environemtnal standards.

2019-02-12 00:11:39 UTC  

Probably entire countries in Europe pollute less than a single city in China

2019-02-12 00:11:41 UTC  

@AlephKnoll 100% is done by humans

2019-02-12 00:11:48 UTC  

not true

2019-02-12 00:11:57 UTC  

the climate has changed for the past 4.5 billion years

2019-02-12 00:12:04 UTC  

the sahara used to be green

2019-02-12 00:12:04 UTC  

Alright, I'm going to dip out now.

Y'all are sperging about climate science

2019-02-12 00:12:13 UTC  

Antarctica used to be a rainforest.

2019-02-12 00:12:22 UTC  

we don't know how much is caused by humans

2019-02-12 00:12:26 UTC  

Of all warming since 1950*

2019-02-12 00:12:28 UTC  

we know they have an effect, but we don't know how much

2019-02-12 00:12:54 UTC  


OK. But it's just that adaptations are not random, nor a grab bag. In evolutionary biology it's called 'drive'. The degree to which they are favorable adaptations that is.

2019-02-12 00:13:02 UTC  

*But what about the doctored NASA climate data?*

2019-02-12 00:13:45 UTC  

@Jym I never suggested adaptations are random.

On the contrary, I'm suggesting that adaptations *COULD BE* ultimately *limited*

2019-02-12 00:14:52 UTC  

We’ll have to see. Problem with evolutenary science is that we always miss the main component. Time.

2019-02-12 00:14:59 UTC  

@Jym In the truest sense of a dice roll, there only being 6 sides, the same has been suggested for biology

2019-02-12 00:15:54 UTC  

Pretty sure that if you trow a dice for several billion years it's going to change shape

2019-02-12 00:16:11 UTC  

Is it billions? I don't remember English numbers<:GWjiangoOmegaLUL:389904150886088723>

2019-02-12 00:16:34 UTC  


2019-02-12 00:16:53 UTC  

One could almost argue that the species present in an ecological system are a direct reflection of the conditions, and they are destined to fill a set of niches with certain characteristics in an emergent way

2019-02-12 00:17:23 UTC  

@MountainMan nigga you got school tomorrow?

2019-02-12 00:17:29 UTC  


2019-02-12 00:17:34 UTC  

Holidays this week.

2019-02-12 00:17:37 UTC  

There could be a time when you might be able to set climate variables in a calulator, and have it spit out all the possible creatures that would exist there

2019-02-12 00:17:38 UTC  


"There's some argument in the biology community about the origin of SOME adaptations, in the sense that they're 'random' in a very distinct direction"

Is the part I was referring too about adaptation and randomness. That lack of randomness is what we call drive. Also I was kinda thinking about a 100,000 sided die not a D6. Hence the long periods it takes to roll a crit.

2019-02-12 00:17:56 UTC  

@MountainMan ok then carry on

2019-02-12 00:18:01 UTC  


2019-02-12 00:18:13 UTC  

@Ondsinet i think I got into biotech class

2019-02-12 00:18:15 UTC  

ya yeet

2019-02-12 00:18:52 UTC  

@Jym Right, but the classical Darwinian idea is that the adaptations are unique, and unlimited

2019-02-12 00:19:07 UTC  

i.e. with enough time, anything is possible

2019-02-12 00:19:49 UTC  

Hi @MountainMan nice

2019-02-12 00:21:06 UTC  

Oh and a climate variable wouldn't really give you the results you suggest. Genes drive for the gene's success the organism is just a phenotype. They can *accidentally* do so like a gene that creates more viable gametes. At the level of gene as selector Darwin is correct. It's just that Darwin didn't know anything about genetics because it did not exist yet.