Message from @white_north
Discord ID: 352567648934035460
Ignore the poz and make some gains
Sound advice
There are times when I don't feel like training. Then I watch some tv with all the faggotery and miscegenation, and all the motivation to smash weights comes back.
awesome time last night with kartouche and bubonic
Good goys
wish we could of killed that half nigger jew thing
Lol you need containment.
No need to kill anyone just yet!
Although he was sketchy as fuck.
But he left when we asked.
What happened lol?
sounds funny
bubonic shall explain.
yeah i know i need to dial it back... not end up like yeahhh.. how bout maim ?
hah yeah with that baton
lol i kid
We were on a terrace outside the bar when some guy who had scoped us out with me in focus came and invited himself to our table with tales of his time in juvy and jail.
Apparently he had Jew symbols tattooed on him.
he did
and wearing that vancouver olympic resistance shirt
didnt smell right to me,...
haha wow
he legit just invited himself to sit and started interrogating us and then telling jew tales of shilling and crime
it was a jolly good time
what the
and then you told him to fuck off ?
bubonic was like
more polite than that
but that would be the jist of it
gist *
haha ok
I was waiting of a tale of battle
nah no battles.
just good goy's drinkin and shooting the shit lol
thats the tale of the battle victory
were you dressed like that ?
hah no , i think that was bubonic