Message from @GaiusKekus
Discord ID: 372485800006254603
Id look like a ghost
You dont like that ghost costume?
Should make it blue for Québec.
Doesnt match with the kkk
Monthly Airsoft militia games starting when?
@SLUG2_ what is her name
that girl that looks like your ex who got killed
Her name was Martha
not her
she also looks like my ex its crazy
No one appreciated my capeshit meme 😢
the comic nigger meme ?
Martha, the Batman vs Superman meme
its an object to kill flies ?
💀 👌
Yo gaius tetais pas la au dernier meeting
Non pense pas
no vinnie zamboni i wasnt there
what means "top brass" desertsturm
The bosses
why is this ourgoyish
He's taking down deep state or seems to be
ho ok
i read the title the other way around
like simple soldiers are doing misconducts against their bosses
my english status : poor
Step it up.
Obviously the white ethnostate will end up being the Yukon at this point.
you guys know a francophone/anglophone alliance theme image ?
i'm doing a GenId montreal chapter promo video
I'm the eternal centrist since I'm a mixed raced mutant