Message from @Veritas Prognostician

Discord ID: 509931488569982997

2018-11-08 03:12:46 UTC  

i got 3500mAHs in this bitch

2018-11-08 03:13:41 UTC  

big bois

2018-11-08 03:14:11 UTC  

i could flip these for profit easy cause of how little they cost

2018-11-08 03:14:36 UTC  

Build bigger stuff

2018-11-08 03:15:37 UTC  


2018-11-08 03:16:27 UTC  


2018-11-08 03:16:31 UTC  

gib tank parts

2018-11-08 03:16:59 UTC  

i can use these tubes to make a smol arty

2018-11-08 03:17:37 UTC  

i just need the correct specific illegal fireworks or other sources of magic black powder

2018-11-08 03:17:53 UTC  

Or just buy black powder

2018-11-08 03:18:15 UTC  

and it might explode and shred my eye. never know til i test it

2018-11-08 03:19:43 UTC

2018-11-08 03:20:04 UTC  

"Fruit Explosion"

2018-11-08 03:20:59 UTC

2018-11-08 03:21:23 UTC  

@Fitzydog I see the commie left

2018-11-08 03:21:31 UTC  


2018-11-08 03:21:40 UTC  

where do you guys buy your bulk gunpowder?

2018-11-08 03:21:48 UTC  


2018-11-08 03:22:07 UTC  

Fred Meyer's

2018-11-08 03:25:14 UTC  

I would probly build a pretty shitty motorcycle

2018-11-08 03:25:40 UTC  

How many times did Kaden say she was going to bed this time?

2018-11-08 03:26:02 UTC  

drones are great because they can explode because of bad wiring somewhere where you're not

2018-11-08 03:26:03 UTC  

She didn't , she left without argument

2018-11-08 03:26:22 UTC  

Wow. Is it learning?

2018-11-08 03:26:39 UTC  

She was here for like 20 mins, and then left again lol

2018-11-08 03:26:48 UTC  

if kaden is gone that means i get to be the token black ass nigga of the server

2018-11-08 03:26:58 UTC  

i called it

2018-11-08 03:27:02 UTC  

Nigga you ain't even black

2018-11-08 03:27:18 UTC  


2018-11-08 03:27:39 UTC  

That based Hotep AnCap from Georgia is our black guy now

2018-11-08 03:27:40 UTC  


2018-11-08 03:27:44 UTC  


2018-11-08 03:28:19 UTC  

Youz black?

2018-11-08 03:28:25 UTC  


2018-11-08 03:28:30 UTC  

i mean i DID say nigga

2018-11-08 03:28:34 UTC  

Nah, you're white trash

2018-11-08 03:28:47 UTC  

nah i checked Ancestry

2018-11-08 03:28:59 UTC  

im 2/3 black yo

2018-11-08 03:29:03 UTC  

How about antifa protesting outside Tucker’s home?

2018-11-08 03:29:10 UTC  

is that a thing?

2018-11-08 03:29:18 UTC  

That is a thing.