Message from @vercingetorixqc
Discord ID: 219600250287947777
you should have joined earlier!
I know I know!
i sent you the invite a week before the first meeting, at least
what's done is done
I joined the chat on DS and was waiting for something to develop. I just seen the link to this.
didn't i direct-message you the link?
I didn't check the forum til now.
I seen that social isolation article that was just posted and it reminded me.
Ya looks like you sent me the link like 2 weeks ago.
oh well, that's life
anyway, this is the montreal chat
right now it's mostly for the stormer book club
that may change and expand soon
there is a possible merger between the book club and the pool party (from TRS)
me and chapman are in both
around 15 people in total
a good size!
Alright cool. I'll check this chat every day or two to stay updated.
it's encrypted
though, anyone with the link can join
though, the link expires after 24h
everyone in this chat is either from dailystormer, or therightstuff
i've met most of them personally
Kk j'pourrais te donner mon # de cell? Pcq j'suis pas toujours branché.
Ou bein cest pas trop recommandé?
bin, pour quoi? pour les meetings?
juste a checker le chat une fois toute les qq jours
je vais mettre un "sticky" avec les dates en haut
tu vois l'epingle?
The next meeting is saturday afternoon. Le prochain meeting est samedi après midi. 3 sept.
en haut, maintenant, mon message est 'pin"
Parfait j'le vois.
Probably wont be able to attend saturday. Will see. But i will be passing in mtl on friday.