Message from @vercingetorixqc
Discord ID: 256607595027103754
Hey guys, where can I find nice fashy boots in Montreal?
Decent quality and not too expensive
For the winter
I told you zeiger the first time we met that in order to win politically we have to slowly merge from right to alt right to Nazi, and once we take over we can implement total fascism. But on the campaign trail we have to be more moderate and slowly move right right right
BTW fascism is not a political ideaology
Just a method of implementing it
«Québécois» Im triggered, CBC needs to disappear:
And things are heating up in France. Conversano VS Soral. Zeiger appeared on one of his shows :
Zeiger I think we should do the posters all over the city. I can take care of the West island if you send me a pdf of the poster
Dorval mall, fairview mall, all the hotspots
Go to ddo and trigger the jews
Maybe you can change the title to "Tired of anti-white, Jewish propaganda?"
Or is that too much
that's the best debate ever, lol
but yeah, soral is full of shit with his "let's reconcile with muslims" stuff
Lol ouais, ca arrivera pas. Meme si une remigration volontaire/pacifique serait préférable si possible, va quand meme falloir que la pression monte, qu'on se mobilise intensément qu'on ait un lévier fort pour pouvoir imposer les départs forcés. De la haine, ca en prend, meme pour appliquer une solution non violente.
le pire c'est que soral ne prone meme pas la remigration volontaire
il dit que les musulmans peuvent s'integrer, et abandoner l'islam pour devenir francais
n'importe quois
Ouais, patriotes musulmans ... Ils doivent pas compter pour plus de 0,00001% du lot. Jai tjrs eu d'la misere avec cet aspect de sa ligne. Mais il se dit pourtant favorable à la remigration... volontaire. C'est son côté catholique, front de la foi etc...
Il le mentionne pas souvent mais il l'a fait dans l'intégrale du débat. Pis dans une couple de ses videos du moi. En tk l'aspect ethnique est à peu près absent de son discours.
He sounds like a political whore.
France makes me so sad
Is this Bonhomme guy anyone you know Zeiger? I mean I know the Quebec City snow fest. But this is a good Canadian spin.. His Twitter is hilarious
i don't know if i know him, lol
i'd have to ask what his real identity is
i know a lot of canadian right-wingers through the internet
but he might just be a channer
Wtf is this about? I need Z and anglin to tell me what to think about this!! Lol
Yeah he's already got 2 kykes from Goldman Sachs in his cabinet
Seriously though.. Nothing new, I think he's got some favors to pay off, still better than shillary
Baby steps
It's a bank. They will hedge bets.. Or should I say "diversify their portfolio"
Hey guys thanks for the invitation
He might have two kykes but he also has 3 neocons maniac generals at his side and I think it might be to counter an eventual coup from the establisment.
As far as the to kykes go. Keep your enemy close. Its a game of chest you cant go full nazi from the start.
Steve Bannon is the one whispering in his ear...
the generals aren't neocons though
neocons = jews
I thought neoconsevatism as emerged as an ideological opposition to cultural relativism underbush
A militaristic view of the world oriented toward force coertion and discipline didnt know it had something to do with jews
the neoconservative movement was started by a bunch of jews who were "former communists." the essence of their doctrine is unlimited wars for israel