Message from @Vic_Mackey
Discord ID: 397870689903968266
My next is to quit drinking booze completely. I've got 3 beers and a bottle of wine left
After that, it's no more
Yeah, ididnt sleep forever when I first bought btc
Bought in at 2300, sold at 28 or something. Panicked. Boy do I feel stupid
I'm trying to get there...I quit liquor a long time ago...but I have an addiction to craft beer (my inner hipster is trying to take over)
When ur watching the TRX charts, also make sure ur watching the BTC charts, as well, so u know how much the TRX is even going up (if BTC goes down, then it'll look like ur TRX is making mad money, when it is just BTC going into a slump)
I told my gf we need to put all our money into btc cause it's gonna go. I had planned on getting my paychecks in btc. Told my grandma, dad, everyone, give me all your money, we are gonna be rich
They all laughed. Gf got mad
Mother fuckers, we would have made out like bandits
Ya, I had people telling me to invest in BTC at the beginning of the year...I coulda put 5 grand down on it, and been on easy street now.
oh that's a fair point
too many charts
Right now, TRX is about to break 8 cents, which is an all time high for them, so it'll probably hit another slump before too long...or at least that is how TRX has been behaving since I have been messing with it.
It's kinda a hard coin to predict because it is so new, and the market has just been going absolutely nuts over the past month, so there isn't much historical data to go off of.
at least with stock markets everything is in USD lol
Yerp...alt-coin has quite a bit of a learning curve.
I've been thinking about trading forex but it's so much easier to just buy alt coins
I don't like having to have a broker and all that. I just want to buy currency's and own them
And sell them when I want
Ya, I never really got into stocks or foreign exchange...seems like A LOT of work, with a lot of fees.
I bought 326 TRX
holding until it goes up a little more then selling
What wallet are you using?
and what exchange
I'm gonna go buy some
When u buy it, just make sure to wait until the next slump...I imagine there will be one soon.
Anyone wanna referral?
idk if you get anything
Is binance still giving people incentives for referrals?
Ya, they do...I forgot about that
That's pretty good
Wait, so, trx cannot be converted to usd
only to btc?
here's my referral link