Message from @Fokma(Bonjour)
Discord ID: 278258466928197632
Antifa is so easy to trigger
I've been on UP and CC for like 6 months I can get a mod to vouch for me, i'm not a shill
God I'm going to have to write these things out for all of you nignogs
I never asked for this
Seriously tho look up TERF
That's just one thing that can splinter a local antifa cell
@DoctorPiss Punished "Venom" Doctor
@Extra Crispy this isn't shitpost central
Wtf is terf
Google ot
@Extra Crispy the invorgarooting tuste of a poopsi
Ok that's dumb
poopy drings r best flavr
Really stupid
It means lesbians born as women, under radical leftism, are not allowed to discriminate against tranny men even if Jose men have oenises... Cause they are WOMEN
can you imagine how that could fracture a group of leftists
@Fokma(Bonjour) y'all lack the ability to bant
Its autism
Let the memes flow
You gotta break these people apart at the local levels
Yeah lets do TERF MEMES
You think we just want to spam memes at peoplell
@DoctorPiss precisely
Like how Autists on oil try to redpill ppl
Fokma get invoice
Typing on y phone sucks
Give me a sec i'm shaving my balls rn
I'm taking a shit
All of you should be at least scouting your local antifa groups online and getting an estimate of their numbers and etc
And post them to
So far from what I can find out TN only has about 60 members tho.
@DoctorPiss @OneLessRed - TN oh look finally someone's doing something