Message from @Legiondude

Discord ID: 530271826644041741

2019-01-03 06:25:19 UTC  

its no Tiger Killer, but you should be okay taking out panzer 3s and maybe 4s

2019-01-03 06:26:02 UTC  

I just got my shit rekt in a Sherman-tier battle with several KV1s

2019-01-03 06:26:17 UTC  

(not in the Lee)

2019-01-03 06:26:47 UTC  

Which reminds me.

2019-01-03 06:27:01 UTC  

Some of the most broken WoT gameplay

2019-01-03 06:27:13 UTC  

Tier V meds with 105 derp

2019-01-03 06:27:17 UTC  

>le WoT

2019-01-03 06:28:14 UTC  

105? That's baby cannon. Real veterans used the 152mm.

But if you wanted to be smart about it, you'd crush noobs with the 122mm howitzer

2019-01-03 06:28:41 UTC  

I had averaged over 2k damage a game in my Panzer IV before they finally removed the 105 derp

2019-01-03 06:28:47 UTC  

i dont have anything over 105mm yet

2019-01-03 06:29:38 UTC  

No, it's still on there

2019-01-03 06:29:40 UTC  
2019-01-03 06:29:51 UTC  

Is it?

2019-01-03 06:29:53 UTC  


2019-01-03 06:30:00 UTC  

Most players still use it over the 75mm L/48

2019-01-03 06:30:07 UTC  

I'm on the fence between the two

2019-01-03 06:30:13 UTC  

But nowadays I just play with the Hydro

2019-01-03 06:30:14 UTC  

I thought they finally removed it

2019-01-03 06:30:25 UTC  

They removed the Schmalturm and the 75mm L/70 back in the day

2019-01-03 06:30:40 UTC  

That’s right lol

2019-01-03 06:30:55 UTC  

And when it was finally updated to HD they removed the stock 75mm L/24

2019-01-03 06:31:17 UTC  

Sherman derp was a ton of fun too.

2019-01-03 06:31:18 UTC  

Or maybe that was when they added the 4A and 4D

2019-01-03 06:31:43 UTC  

I still can’t believe you can sit there and derp with tier V meds.

2019-01-03 06:32:20 UTC  

That shit was broken.

2019-01-03 06:32:37 UTC  

I'd prefer if they buffed the 75mm L/48 so people would stop using it on the Pz4, they already buffed the gun to 132mm standard pen from 110mm for the VK 28.01. But they won't pass that pen buff around to the mediums and TDs

2019-01-03 06:34:05 UTC  

Remember the KV-1S lol

2019-01-03 06:34:22 UTC  

The old one, yeah

2019-01-03 06:34:32 UTC  

Tier VI with the D-25T

2019-01-03 06:35:19 UTC  

As I hinted earlier, I was one of those weirdos back when the KV-1 and KV-2 were the same vehicle while everyone at tier 5 was trying to rock the 152mm I was using the stock turret(smaller profile) and 122mm howitzer. Got my first 9 kill game that way

2019-01-03 06:35:38 UTC  

I actually played back then too.

2019-01-03 06:36:22 UTC  

It was back when the Marder II was still broken

2019-01-03 06:36:37 UTC  

That was also back when HE rounds were relevant for any gun

2019-01-03 06:36:56 UTC  

In fact more relevant if you couldn't pen with your only armor piercing choice

2019-01-03 06:37:13 UTC  

I last played in 2014

2019-01-03 06:37:24 UTC  

you guys still mean WoT?

2019-01-03 06:37:27 UTC  


2019-01-03 06:37:38 UTC  

ok just listening then 🍿

2019-01-03 06:38:34 UTC  

I last played a week ago, but between August 2011 and around summer 2017 I was pretty much a several-times-a-week kind of guy

2019-01-03 06:38:56 UTC  

I remember. My first line was German TD’s.

2019-01-03 06:39:09 UTC  

you freegin wehraboo