Message from @KawaiiSamurai

Discord ID: 542937177386909762

2019-02-07 05:11:29 UTC  

yeah the problem is that when the suggestions become too influential, the tail begins to wag the dog

2019-02-07 05:11:32 UTC  

Always irritates me when Alexa cannot do a simple fucking search for me for my literal words without citing Wikipedia on something totally unrelated.

2019-02-07 05:11:34 UTC  

but welcome to politics

2019-02-07 05:11:50 UTC  

most people are robots anyway

2019-02-07 05:12:28 UTC  

I hve to think, "How do retards ask questions?" And then THAT QUESTION goes into the feedback loop too, haunting me in the future.

2019-02-07 05:13:40 UTC  

well the fundamental problem right now is that these models are all relative, and therefore suffer from a lack of creativity

2019-02-07 05:13:49 UTC  

Look. As long as we can have some sort of Asimovian laws working, I say, DO NOT let AI learn from us. They will learn our worst possible traits.

2019-02-07 05:14:30 UTC  

Because, smart people, don't communicate nearly as much as dumb people.

2019-02-07 05:14:39 UTC  

That simple.

2019-02-07 05:14:50 UTC  

I don't think it will be any different than what we deal with now

2019-02-07 05:15:05 UTC  

you might as well also say that dumb people shouldn't vote, because they will corrupt the system

2019-02-07 05:15:29 UTC  

which btw is not to say that is a wrong thing to believe

2019-02-07 05:15:35 UTC  

They shouldn't learn from each other, but it's too late to stop that.

2019-02-07 05:15:44 UTC  

We haven't made AI yet.

2019-02-07 05:16:52 UTC  

I do think that uninformed people shouldn't vote, but that would require a basically perfect unbiased system of vetting, that could never be trusted to actually work.

2019-02-07 05:16:59 UTC  

Well my definition of intelligence applies to more constructs than just bio and tech, so for e.x I think a government or corporation can develop an intelligence if it is complex enough

2019-02-07 05:17:15 UTC  

Oh god

2019-02-07 05:17:32 UTC  

If that is 'intelligence' then I want to be a retard.

2019-02-07 05:17:54 UTC  

Which I unironally am.

2019-02-07 05:18:13 UTC  

Fucking autism REPRESENT

2019-02-07 05:18:30 UTC  

complex systems can develop a sense of self and preservation of that self

2019-02-07 05:18:33 UTC  

happens all the time

2019-02-07 05:18:41 UTC  

Anyway, yes and no.

2019-02-07 05:18:59 UTC  

That depends way too much upon perspective.

2019-02-07 05:19:31 UTC  

If you are the shareholder of a company, yeah, that will seem true.

2019-02-07 05:19:50 UTC  

If you are the pleb getting laid off, that does not look very true.

2019-02-07 05:20:15 UTC  

no you don't have to be in the company

2019-02-07 05:20:27 UTC  

Its sorta like the view of ant colonies as a single super organism

2019-02-07 05:20:34 UTC  

this is an observation of the nature of a system over time

2019-02-07 05:20:51 UTC  

With different members being different organs basically

2019-02-07 05:21:04 UTC  

I'm not saying the people who make up the system are not intelligent

2019-02-07 05:21:22 UTC  

What I am saying, is that this only appears true on a macro scale

2019-02-07 05:21:27 UTC  

but a system can most definitely develop a persistent sense of self-preservation, independent of the individuals who make it up

2019-02-07 05:21:45 UTC  

that's how a lot of cultures work too

2019-02-07 05:21:54 UTC  

At the micro level you would think these entities are completely suicidal

2019-02-07 05:22:10 UTC  

they have rituals and ideals in place for the purpose of preserving the system

2019-02-07 05:22:25 UTC  

Yes, maintaining critical mass

2019-02-07 05:22:35 UTC  

The origin of religion

2019-02-07 05:23:06 UTC  

but culture isn't static, so there's a freedom to evolve based on environmental pressures

2019-02-07 05:23:19 UTC  

and so you see that happen when the environment for a culture changes

2019-02-07 05:23:23 UTC  

To prevent people from becoming TOO self-aware and indepently critical that they cannot agree with anyone, thus all wander away and die