Message from @M4Gunner

Discord ID: 544725871240413190

2019-02-12 03:43:00 UTC  

So no, I don't think Trump is a god. The fucker said "I want to see the highest immigration numbers ever! But legal!"

2019-02-12 03:43:01 UTC  

this is the sargon reddit discord

2019-02-12 03:43:07 UTC  

I'm just trying to understand what he wants

2019-02-12 03:43:31 UTC  

Got your passport? No? DEPORT

2019-02-12 03:44:07 UTC  

i want to see only unwed single women of age allowed in, personally

2019-02-12 03:44:08 UTC  

I'd expect that from any other nation I was visiting

2019-02-12 03:44:26 UTC  

Trump said a bunch of things. He said he wants us out of the middle east wars, but then we go into syria

2019-02-12 03:44:34 UTC  

so really you have nothing to worry about

2019-02-12 03:44:47 UTC  

no more anchor babies and migrant laborers

2019-02-12 03:44:56 UTC  

> go into

2019-02-12 03:44:59 UTC  

yeah anchor babies need to go

2019-02-12 03:45:07 UTC  

missile strikes my dude

2019-02-12 03:45:12 UTC  

What do you mean 'go into syria'?

2019-02-12 03:45:17 UTC  

We went in under Obama

2019-02-12 03:45:22 UTC  

get involved in, pardon me

2019-02-12 03:45:26 UTC  

@Fitzydog airforce ordanance duh

2019-02-12 03:45:39 UTC  

le cruise missles

2019-02-12 03:45:51 UTC  

the point being he escalated

2019-02-12 03:46:03 UTC  

oh noe

2019-02-12 03:46:05 UTC  

He cleaned up someone elses mess

2019-02-12 03:46:08 UTC  

that means he is bulli

2019-02-12 03:46:21 UTC  

exactly, 'someone elses' messes'

2019-02-12 03:46:23 UTC  

not ours

2019-02-12 03:46:42 UTC  

i guess dont gas your own people?

2019-02-12 03:46:52 UTC  

@Jokerfaic Obama's mess

2019-02-12 03:46:55 UTC  

@Fitzydog there's no point in engaging with a retard

2019-02-12 03:47:01 UTC  

ill clean up your fuckin mess too if i have to see you making it

2019-02-12 03:47:05 UTC  

he talked a good game about ending nation building and rebuilding at home, but not until this pissant drawdown in syria and afganistan has he held to this

2019-02-12 03:47:23 UTC  

@M4Gunner assad most likely didn't gas his own people

2019-02-12 03:47:34 UTC  

*nation building, pardon me

2019-02-12 03:47:35 UTC  

am i having fake news

2019-02-12 03:47:38 UTC  


2019-02-12 03:47:44 UTC  

what happened

2019-02-12 03:47:47 UTC  

You don't think we should cleanup the mess the previous office left, what with the Humvee's ISIS was driving around? @Jokerfaic

2019-02-12 03:47:55 UTC  


2019-02-12 03:47:56 UTC  

the rebels did the gassing

2019-02-12 03:48:04 UTC  

i am offended by terrorists in US armor

2019-02-12 03:48:12 UTC  

Implying we're not still arming ISIS through the Saudis, spare me

2019-02-12 03:48:33 UTC  

well whose gas plants did we bomb? assads, or rebels'?

2019-02-12 03:48:51 UTC  

the idea that they're gas plants in the first place hasn't even been proven

2019-02-12 03:49:30 UTC  

im not oversight