Message from @Linus
Discord ID: 641263009502724097
did he even want a party with people?
we need to recruit him for the INCEL organisation
he has francis genes
Why are we talking about that guy in 2019?
Because he did something interesting recently. <-- Factually incorrect
Ask christcuk fuentes
and negro ass licker milo
also old news is old
Dicky spencer isnt really hurt by this since these are his public positions too
the alt lighters look dumb as the betrayers they are
@troglodytes How's the dike today?
which dike?
I'm not sure
I live above sea level
The 9th one
That leaked audio just makes me laugh my ass off
I agree
@The Arabian Atheist The recording is years old?
Lul what is agriculture
@DeletedUser Wow, that's some strong cringe
People whose opinions don't matter:
- Obese
- Smokers
- Alcoholics
- Drug addicts
if your impulse control is so bad that it manifests itself physically, and is on display for the whole world to see, then yeah. there may be an issue
i dont know i know a lot of high IQ people who are obese
I also know fat guys who gym like maniacs
they also run and play sports
maybe american obesity is different than south asian obesity
Obese americans get healthcare whereas that same is not true in south asia
i feel as long as you are productive and can physically compete with others its fine
high IQ =/= good opinion