Message from @happysmiley

Discord ID: 636812842980343808

2019-10-24 06:25:20 UTC  

yeah its a fully functional rapier

2019-10-24 06:25:24 UTC  

its a good sword

2019-10-24 06:25:25 UTC  

Ablest insensitivity

2019-10-24 06:25:30 UTC  


2019-10-24 06:25:32 UTC  

rapiers are swords for pussies

2019-10-24 06:25:35 UTC  

I said he ***wasn't***

2019-10-24 06:25:40 UTC  

no theyre for killing

2019-10-24 06:25:44 UTC  

and theyre very good at it

2019-10-24 06:25:46 UTC  

but ***he is***

2019-10-24 06:25:47 UTC  


2019-10-24 06:25:53 UTC  


2019-10-24 06:26:10 UTC  

pussies use rapiers cause they can't stand the brutality of straight thick swords

2019-10-24 06:26:10 UTC  

peak genetics:

2019-10-24 06:26:18 UTC  

the ulfberht is made from an unknown damascuss steal like composite. This sword is like 500 years ahead of it's time.

2019-10-24 06:26:20 UTC  


2019-10-24 06:26:28 UTC  

@Wan6Saber rapier move faster than broad sword.

2019-10-24 06:26:34 UTC  

Peak genetics

2019-10-24 06:26:36 UTC  

I know

2019-10-24 06:26:45 UTC  

rapiers are just better unarmored lol

2019-10-24 06:26:49 UTC  

hey eyes are almost too big

2019-10-24 06:26:53 UTC  

thats just facts

2019-10-24 06:26:53 UTC  

i get an alita vibe from her

2019-10-24 06:27:07 UTC  

Even armored rapier can find a gap in Armour.

2019-10-24 06:27:23 UTC  

Dex builds are gay.

2019-10-24 06:27:25 UTC

2019-10-24 06:27:37 UTC  

rapiers can yeah but youd have a easier time with a knife

2019-10-24 06:27:42 UTC

2019-10-24 06:27:48 UTC

2019-10-24 06:27:48 UTC  

peak trad waifu

2019-10-24 06:27:55 UTC  

ugh gross

2019-10-24 06:27:56 UTC  

You are genociding us one picture at a time.

2019-10-24 06:27:56 UTC

2019-10-24 06:28:08 UTC

2019-10-24 06:28:15 UTC  

i like dex builds

2019-10-24 06:28:24 UTC  

good synergy options

2019-10-24 06:28:34 UTC  


2019-10-24 06:28:44 UTC  

better than your Asian waifu shite

2019-10-24 06:28:46 UTC  

The short sword is best

2019-10-24 06:28:55 UTC  

Outside battlefield and duels

2019-10-24 06:29:11 UTC