Message from @fuguer
Discord ID: 640050799040266251
it doesn't have to do with a system
Ah fuck I'm kicked out of intellectual club 🙁
it depends entirely on the individual
he calls it because once you TRULY recognize leftism as as manifestation of slave morality, its not surprising its motivated by anti-white, anti-male hate
I just find that critiques of Christianity are usually based on false pretenses
someone with a 'master morality outlook' could take state power and crush capitalism for instance
Most of the time actually
thats what it is at its core. a resentful morality of the weak who hate the strong.
white men are the demon of slave morality
we are their boogieman
The thing is, white people like Truth, so they would never on their own conceive of ruling people with deceit rather than sheer military might.
yes because white people recognize master morality
Yet white men are the biggest force of slave morality in action lol
jews go to subversion and trickery as easily as they breathe
In the 21st
also the idea that there is moral truth is an aspect of slave morality to Nietzsche lol
because white men are infested with jewish mass media
Yeah I know
Moral subjectivity
@Leaf I do not think debating people via text is a good way to be an apologist.
I'm not trying to be an apologist I'm just wasting time tbh lol
I need to get going soon
But maybe I'll learn something
This struggle between master and slave moralities recurs historically. According to Nietzsche, ancient Greek and Roman societies were grounded in master morality. The Homeric hero is the strong-willed man, and the classical roots of the Iliad and Odyssey exemplified Nietzsche's master morality. He calls the heroes "men of a noble culture", giving a substantive example of master morality. Historically, master morality was defeated, as the slave morality of Judaism and Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire.
I'm sure there is a way lies can be uplifting. But that isn't Christianity.
Leaf would love ***The Antichrist***
The essential struggle between cultures has always been between the Roman (master, strong) and the Judean (slave, weak). Nietzsche condemns the triumph of slave morality in the West, saying that the democratic movement is the "collective degeneration of man". He claimed that the nascent democratic movement of his time was essentially slavish and weak. Weakness conquered strength, slave conquered master, re-sentiment conquered sentiment. This ressentiment Nietzsche calls "priestly vindictiveness", which is based on the jealous weak seeking to enslave the strong, and thus erode the basis for power itself by pulling the powerful down. Such movements were, according to Nietzsche, inspired by "the most intelligent revenge" of the weak. Nietzsche saw democracy and Christianity as the same emasculating impulse which sought to make everyone equal by making everyone a slave.
I recommend that to ppl who are unsure about Christianity tbh
What is that? A film?
its about trajectories and tendencies
AOC racializing climate change
The Geology of Morals is the most accessible and covering a broad range on the morality topic. Though Anti Christi might be a better critique of Christianity.