Message from @Cascade

Discord ID: 643306539855249418

2019-11-11 04:27:00 UTC  

intuitives are _i n t e l l e c t u a l s_

2019-11-11 04:27:06 UTC  

I get INTJ every time

2019-11-11 04:27:16 UTC  

afaik they actually do have higher average iqs

2019-11-11 04:27:59 UTC  

i hate infps

2019-11-11 04:28:17 UTC  

i may be one myself

2019-11-11 04:28:20 UTC  

sound jelly

2019-11-11 04:28:29 UTC  

then how cna you say the n word

2019-11-11 04:28:32 UTC  

you're making no sense

2019-11-11 04:28:48 UTC  

i may be a sensor

2019-11-11 04:28:53 UTC  

intj reporting in <:autistic:435640902224969729> <:big_brained:396156349676781569>

2019-11-11 04:29:01 UTC  

how can you be a sensor and be an infp at the same time

2019-11-11 04:29:05 UTC  

really makes you think

2019-11-11 04:29:23 UTC  

i have to find out which one it is

2019-11-11 04:29:35 UTC  

until then

2019-11-11 04:29:44 UTC  

i can say both

2019-11-11 04:30:01 UTC  

I'd like to know what you are as well, so I can know what creates this mental confusion you have

2019-11-11 04:30:13 UTC  

wait what

2019-11-11 04:30:18 UTC  

das rite

2019-11-11 04:30:19 UTC  

who r u

2019-11-11 04:30:28 UTC  


2019-11-11 04:30:31 UTC  


2019-11-11 04:31:11 UTC  


2019-11-11 04:32:18 UTC  

why do people say that ENFJs are the leader type

2019-11-11 04:32:25 UTC  

wehn they are total doormats?

2019-11-11 04:32:26 UTC  


2019-11-11 04:32:26 UTC  

I got INTJ

2019-11-11 04:32:39 UTC  

Seems like it's different every time I take the test lol

2019-11-11 04:32:39 UTC  

ENFJ is the "protagonist" leader type

2019-11-11 04:33:56 UTC  

this is why it's just eh

2019-11-11 04:33:59 UTC  

@Banjod can we finally have a confirmed Finn role

2019-11-11 04:34:20 UTC  

ask jf

2019-11-11 04:34:42 UTC

2019-11-11 04:34:43 UTC  

my dad really liked ***Joker***

2019-11-11 04:34:58 UTC  

nevermind, you people dont know why

2019-11-11 04:35:06 UTC  

stupid sensors in disguise

2019-11-11 04:35:15 UTC  

whaddaya mean '***you people***'

2019-11-11 04:35:21 UTC  


2019-11-11 04:35:32 UTC  

how are the finns going to confirm their finnhood?

2019-11-11 04:35:39 UTC  

you got somthin' to say?

2019-11-11 04:35:45 UTC  

enfj are supposed to understand people, and being outspoken and organized about it, that's hwy they are

2019-11-11 04:35:46 UTC  

@Nerthulas I was having dinner with my dad at a restaurant and out of nowhere he says really loud "Boy, some of those Indians are dark as fuck, as dark as nwords"