Message from @HueTheHand

Discord ID: 350522555511209984

2017-08-25 06:04:47 UTC  

Gas the kikes race war now

2017-08-25 06:05:28 UTC  


2017-08-25 06:06:01 UTC  

8. What men call the super natural is actually the natural not yet understood or

9. A proliferation of laws with the resultant loss of freedom is a sign of, and
directly proportional to, spiritual sickness in a Nation.

10. If a Nation is devoid of spiritual health and moral character, then government
and unprincipled men will fill the vacancy. Therefore, freedom prospers in moral
values and tyranny thrives in moral decay.

11. Truth requires little explanation. Therefore, beware of verbose doctrines. The
great principles are revealed in brevity.

12. Truth does not fear investigation.

13. Unfounded belief is pitfall. A People who do not check the validity and effect
of their beliefs with reason will suffer or perish.

14. In accord with Nature’s Laws, nothing is more right than the preservation of
ones own race.
15.No greater motivating force exists than the certain conviction that one is right.

16. Discernment is a sign of a healthy People. In a sick or dying nation,
civilization, culture or race, substance is abandoned in favor of appearance.

17. Discernment includes the ability to recognize the difference between belief and
demonstrable reality.

18. There exists no such thing as rights or privileges under the Laws of Nature.
The deer being stalked by a hungry lion has no right to life. However, he may
purchase life by obedience to nature ordained instincts for vigilance and flight.
Similarly, men have no rights to life, liberty or happiness. These circumstances
may be purchased by oneself, by ones family, by ones tribe or by ones ancestors,
but they are nonetheless purchases and are not rights. Furthermore, the value of
these purchases can only be maintained through vigilance and obedience to
Natural Law.

19. A people who are not convinced of their uniqueness and value will perish.

2017-08-25 06:06:32 UTC

2017-08-25 06:06:41 UTC  

20. The White race has suffered invasions and brutality from Africa and Asia for
thousands of years. For example, Attila and the Asiatic Huns who invaded Europe
in the 5th century, raping, plundering and killing from the Alps to the Baltic and
the Caspian Seas. This scenario was repeated by the Mongols of Genghis Khan
800 years later. (Note here that the American Indians are not Native Americans,
but are racially Mongolians.) In the 8th century, hundreds of years before Negroes
were brought to America, the North African Moors of mixed racial background
invaded and conquered Portugal, Spain and part of France. So, the attempted guilttrip
placed on the White race by civilizations executioners is invalid under both
historical circumstance and the Natural Law which denies inter-species
compassion. The fact is, all races have benefited immeasurably from the creative
genius of the Aryan People.

21. People who allow others not of their race to live among them will perish,
because the inevitable result of a racial integration is racial inter-breeding which
destroys the characteristics and existence of a race. Forced integration is deliberate
and malicious genocide, particularly for a People like the White race, who are now
a small minority in the world.

22. In the final analysis, a race or species is not judged superior or inferior by its
accomplishments, but by its will and ability to survive.

23. Political, economic, and religious systems may be destroyed and resurrected
by men, but the death of a race is eternal.

24. No race of People can indefinitely continue their existence without territorial
imperatives in which to propagate, protect, and promote their own kind.

25. A People without a culture exclusively their own will perish.

2017-08-25 06:07:40 UTC  

>sperg out over saying, "white power" on a WN platform

2017-08-25 06:08:25 UTC  

25. A People without a culture exclusively their own will perish.

26. Nature has put a certain antipathy between races and species to preserve the
individuality and existence of each. Violation of the territorial imperative
necessary to preserve that antipathy leads to either conflict or mongrelization.

27. It is not constructive to hate those of other races, or even those of mixed races.
But a separation must be maintained for the survival of one’s own race. One must,
however, hate with a pure and perfect hatred those of one’s own race who commit
treason against one’s own kind and against the nations of one’s own kind. One
must hate with perfect hatred all those People or practices which destroy one’s
People, one’s culture, or the racial exclusiveness of one’s territorial imperative.

28. The concept of a multi-racial society violates every Natural Law for species

29. The concept of equality is declared a lie by every evidence of Nature. It is a
search for the lowest common denominator, and its pursuit will destroy every
superior race, nation, or culture. In order for a plow horse to run as fast as a race
horse you would first have to cripple the race horse; conversely, in order for a race
horse to pull as much as a plow horse, you would first have to cripple the plow
horse. In either case, the pursuit of equality is the destruction of excellence.

30. The instincts for racial and species preservation are ordained by Nature.

31. Instincts are Nature’s perfect mechanism for the survival of each race and
species. The human weakness of rationalizing situations for self-gratification must
not be permitted to interfere with these instincts.

32. Miscegenation, that is race-mixing, is and has always been, the greatest threat
to the survival of the Aryan race.

2017-08-25 06:08:52 UTC  

I sperg because you disrespect Hitler.

2017-08-25 06:09:18 UTC  

33. Inter-species compassion is contrary to the Laws of Nature and is, therefore,
suicidal. If a wolf were to intercede to save a lamb from a lion, he would be killed.
Today, we see the White man taxed so heavily that he cannot afford children. The
taxes raised are then used to support the breeding of tens of millions of nonwhites,
many of whom then demand the last White females for breeding partners.
As you can see, man is subject to all the Laws of Nature. This has nothing to do
morality, hatred, good or evil. Nature does not recognize the concepts of
good and evil in inter-species relationships. If the lion eats the lamb, it is good for
the lion and evil for the lamb. If the lamb escapes and the lion starves, it is good
for the lamb and evil for the lion. So, we see the same incident is labeled both
good and evil. This cannot be, for there are no contradictions within Nature’s

34. The instinct for sexual union is part of Nature’s perfect mechanism for species
preservation. It begins early in life and often continues until late in life. It must not
be repressed; it’s purpose, reproduction, must not be thwarted either. Understand
that for thousands of years our females bore children at an early age. Now, in an
attempt to conform to and compete in an alien culture, they deny their Natureordained
instincts and duties. Teach responsibility, but, also, have understanding.
The life of a race springs from the wombs of its women. He who would judge
must first understand the difference between what is good and what is right.

35. Homosexuality is a crime against Nature. All Nature declares the purpose of
the instinct for sexual union is reproduction and thus, preservation of the species.
The overpowering male sex drive must be channeled toward possession of
females, as well as elements such as territory and power, which are necessary to
keep them.

2017-08-25 06:09:55 UTC  

36. Sexual pornography degrades the Nature of all who are involved. A beautiful
nude woman is art; a camera between her knees to explore her private parts is

37. That race whose males will not fight to death to keep and mate with their
females will perish. Any White man with healthy instincts feels disgust and
revulsion when he sees a woman of his race with a man of another race. Those,
who today control the media and affairs of the Western World, teach that this is
wrong and shameful. They label it “racism.” As any “ism,” for instance the word
“nationalism,” means to promote one’s own nation; “racism” merely means to
promote and protect the life of one’s own race. It is, perhaps, the proudest word in
existence. Any man who disobeys these instincts is anti-Nature.

38. In a sick and dying nation, culture, race or civilization, political dissent and
traditional values will be labeled and persecuted as heinous crimes by inquisitors
clothing themselves in jingoistic patriotism.

39. A People who are ignorant of their past will defile the present and destroy the

40. A race must honor above all earthly things, those who have given their lives or
freedom for the preservation of the folk.

41. The folk, namely the members of the Race, are the Nation. Racial loyalties
must always supersede geographical and national boundaries. If this is taught and
understood, it will end fratricidal wars. Wars must not be fought for the benefit of
another race.

2017-08-25 06:09:57 UTC  

I know the precepts

2017-08-25 06:10:02 UTC  

But what I don't know is this

2017-08-25 06:10:14 UTC  

Why sperg out over saying, "white power" on a fucking internet WN chatroom?

2017-08-25 06:10:22 UTC  

Ya'll probably never been to a rally

2017-08-25 06:10:26 UTC  

In fact I know you havne't

2017-08-25 06:10:29 UTC  


2017-08-25 06:10:54 UTC  

Only people who aint done anything IRL sperg out over internet shit, like a single phrase, in a chat room.

2017-08-25 06:10:57 UTC  

I have been to basically all of them.

2017-08-25 06:11:08 UTC  

No you obviously don't if you did you wouldn't be yelling white power

2017-08-25 06:11:12 UTC  

>sperg out
>internet chat room
>fuck off

2017-08-25 06:11:29 UTC  

42. The Nation’s leaders are not rulers, they are servants and guardians. They are
not to serve for personal gain. Choose only a guardian who has no interest in the
accumulation of material things.

43. Choose and judge your leaders, also called guardians, thus: Those who seek
always to limit the power of government are of good heart and conscience. Those
who seek to expand the power of government are base tyrants.

44. No government can give anything to anybody without first taking it from
another. Government is, by its very nature, legalized taking. A limited amount of
government is a necessary burden for national defense and internal order.
Anything more is counterproductive to freedom and liberty.

45. The Organic founding Law, namely the Constitution of a Nation, must not be
amendable by any method other than unanimous consent of all parties thereto and
with all parties present. Otherwise, the doors are opened for the advent of that
most dangerous and deadly form of government, democracy.

46. In a democracy those who control the media, and thus the minds of the
electorate, have power undreamed by kings or dictators.

47. The simplest way to describe a democracy is this: Three people form a
government, each having one vote. Then two of them vote to steal the wealth of
the third.

2017-08-25 06:11:32 UTC  


2017-08-25 06:11:34 UTC  

Yeah this dude is a troll

2017-08-25 06:11:40 UTC  

Get the fuck over yourselves

2017-08-25 06:11:42 UTC  

So time to read them

2017-08-25 06:11:42 UTC  

Ask Heimbach

2017-08-25 06:11:47 UTC  

You stupid fucktard

2017-08-25 06:12:05 UTC  

You are the one acting lien a drunk shit head

2017-08-25 06:12:08 UTC  

I've been in this chat longer then ya'll, I've known Heimbach in person and lived with him.

2017-08-25 06:12:16 UTC  

I said White Power

2017-08-25 06:12:19 UTC  

Ya'll jumped me for it.

2017-08-25 06:12:24 UTC  

Simple as that.

2017-08-25 06:12:24 UTC  

I don't think Matt would approve of you r actions brother.

2017-08-25 06:12:32 UTC  

I've lived with him....

2017-08-25 06:12:37 UTC  

The started acting like a duch

2017-08-25 06:12:40 UTC  

I said, "gas the kikes race war now" no one said shit

2017-08-25 06:13:08 UTC  

>GTKRWN no one says shit
>WHITE POWER and everyone goes insane

2017-08-25 06:13:12 UTC  

48. The latter stages of a democracy are filled with foreign wars, because the
bankrupt system attempts to preserve itself by plundering other nations.

49. In a democracy that which is legal is seldom moral, and that which is moral is
often illegal.

50. A democracy is always followed by a strongman… some call him dictator. It is
the only way to restore order out of the chaos caused by a democracy. Pick your
strongman wisely! He must be a guardian in his heart. He must be one who has
shown that his only purpose in life is the preservation of the folk. His ultimate aim
must be to restore the rule of Law based on the perfect Laws of Nature. Do not
choose him by his words.
Choose one who has sacrificed all in the face of tyranny;
choose one who has endured and persevered. This is the only reliable evidence of
his worthiness and motives.

51. A power system will do anything, no matter how corrupt or brutal, to preserve

52. Tyrannies cannot be ended without the use of force.

53. Those who commit treason disguise their deeds in proclamations of patriotism.

2017-08-25 06:13:34 UTC  

I said, "gas the kikes race war now" no one said shit
>GTKRWN no one says shit
>WHITE POWER and everyone goes insane

2017-08-25 06:13:36 UTC  

You are just spouting off random shit

2017-08-25 06:13:50 UTC  

54. Propaganda is major component in all power systems, both secular and
religious; false propaganda is a major component of unprincipled power systems.
All power systems endeavor to convince their subjects that the system is good,
just, beneficent and noble, as well as worthy of perpetuation and defense. The
more jingoistic propaganda issued, the more suspicious one should be of its truth.

55. Political power, in the final analysis, is created and maintained by force.

56. A power system, secular or religious, which employs extensive calls to
patriotism or requires verbosity and rhetoric for its preservation, is masking

57. Propaganda is a legitimate and necessary weapon in any struggle. The
elements of successful propaganda are: simplicity, emotion, repetition, and
brevity. Also, since men believe what they want to believe, and since they want to
believe that which they perceive as beneficial to themselves, then successful
propaganda must appeal to the perceived self-interest of those to whom it is

58. Tyrannies teach what to think; free men learn how to think.

59. Beware of men who increase their wealth by the use of words. Particularly
beware of the lawyers or priests who deny Natural Law.

60. The patriot, being led to the inquisition’s dungeons or the executioner’s axe,
will be condemned the loudest by his former friends and allies; for thus they seek
to escape the same fate.