Message from @esotericpazuzuism
Discord ID: 649446981416255508
makes you take different steps in areas
i can do that u dont need 150 for that
i can do that sometimes
it's crazy
well normies are in 110 to 150
and i hate it
i wish i was dum
so your like a crytal ball compared to a normal person
yea esp wise i just get the night terrors and EMP
also i can lay hands on ppl
im just a smart underachiever <:yay:638817157840502815>
it is very rare to find a >150 IQ man
very rare
where were u tested
150 is less then one in 3000
im one in a million
so <:dab:395562678153904128>
or something silly
are you jeff bezos?
.13? what does that mean
in iq
no lol
oh i was about to say same
like out of general population
and no i am not jeffy B
nice you make it in life
u mean ur smarter then 13% of people
that means ur stupid
ah smarter than 13%?
only whites are allowed here mate