Message from @AustraliaFirstPartyQLD
Discord ID: 650634929775837205
@Segregatörr And it's what they'll receive - the end of the ancient line, the history, the sagas, culture and heritage. "There goes folly"
Spider should be darker in color
@TheUserNameofPeace dude id lose nnn if you posted that before
Not the most recent one
@Segregatörr As liberals breed themselves out, or don't breed at all. The only ones remaining of their kin will be the Nationalists
Huider sex is best sex
is that what the kids refer to as "edging"?
Based; if all the white people are gone the Africans will starve by the billions; sign me up <:yay:638817157840502815>
@Vanessa Cross Mark my words, we are not going without a fight. We'll drag them all to hell with us
Live and let live, or dye fighting for the right to life
Indians would worship that snake
I want pizza
What do pizza and jews have in common
They both go in the oven
Would you rather give up all tasty food, in lieu receiving a tasteless pellet of perfect nutritional value for survival, or give up all sexual activity?
someone cranked their aging process to max
Damn, indeed
Im pretty sure many live this style at this very moment unbeknownst to them
No sex, ample nutrition
Id be willing to give up gluttony
And live off of nutrtion