Message from @Banjod
Discord ID: 652879956585742400
the aesthetics are good
The Cathedral architecture is cool, and stain glass is nice. But the Christian parts of it are meh.
jame's antagonizing yunuvo on vc 😦
Candles and tapestries are cool.
lol you can't antagonize Junuvo
he will just mute you
don't listen to nerth, he's just mad he wasn't born a christian
I was born a Christian
and raised as a fundamental one
no you weren't
I was baptized as a baby
doesn't matter
Just as you said that I turned his volume down to zero
yes I was I was baptized Catholic
I thought it would be funny not to tell him
If you really spend much time looking at Christian art, it is interesting, and some of it very skillfull. But most of it is just poorly draw images of a Jew being tortured and naked babies getting their dicks cut off. The aesthetics are questionable.
nerth shut down
Lol he left
@Nerthulas that one is cool Nerth.
I made the guy who was so annoying he got banned from athens leave, by annoying him :p
The warrior ones are good.
If you choose your faith based on aesthetics your faith isn't going to be strong
jesus got raped
that's not stained glass
that's like