Message from @Banjod
Discord ID: 654351573132115989
I had so many links
with timers
you'll have to reconstitute from bitchute
I had some timestamps from videolinks
no idea which videos
oh well
from some of the best points you have made
this has happened with so many people now <:why:638779720015675405>
It's all dead links
It’s not illegal to be white... yet.
time for bitchute to fix their design
how hard can it be..
Bitchute is run by a crack smoking hippie
Don’t expect any updates
they're probably clearing youtube for the 2020 election
just make things smaller
less blocky
Bitchute needs to fix some things here and there for mobile
Other than that it’s great
main reason I'm not using bitchute is the IU
>reading white text
>reads white text on discord
darkmode is a jewish trick
to make our eyes weaker
so that we can't see them coming
Bitchute is shit, the disqus bullshit they're using doesn't even show my comments
reading white text on dark background is shown to be inferior to black text on light background
and the darkmode shit always have problems
disqus is so trash