Message from @canadagamer9

Discord ID: 657854016709197855

2019-12-21 07:50:22 UTC  

i don't think i've ever watched a witchcraft video

2019-12-21 07:50:29 UTC  


2019-12-21 07:50:35 UTC  

Did you know that the Jacobite heir to the English throne is also the heir to the Bavarian throne?

2019-12-21 07:50:41 UTC  

I don't know how to feel.

2019-12-21 07:50:43 UTC  

even a documentary

2019-12-21 07:51:04 UTC  

Please, just be careful brother. It´s a subject one can´t joke with.

2019-12-21 07:51:14 UTC  

I think Germany should be a monarchy again, but a Catholic England would also be cool.

2019-12-21 07:51:35 UTC  

why would you follow some square?

2019-12-21 07:51:53 UTC  

what do you mean?

2019-12-21 07:51:56 UTC  

would you be loyal to a sodomite like Edward II?

2019-12-21 07:52:04 UTC  

just because he was heir to the throne?

2019-12-21 07:52:25 UTC  

what if Harry and his mutt child became king?

2019-12-21 07:52:29 UTC  

The true heir to english throne is....

2019-12-21 07:52:38 UTC  

Don Med Bvll The First

2019-12-21 07:53:16 UTC  

Do you boys think the opening of the tombs of egypts by archaelogists doomed egypt?

2019-12-21 07:53:48 UTC  


2019-12-21 07:55:45 UTC  

supposedly, the #1 priority of german intelligence services right now is to thwart a coup by far right factions within the wehrmacht

2019-12-21 07:56:16 UTC  

and supposedly, it's a story that's been repeatedly reported, just not in english language media

2019-12-21 07:56:51 UTC  

i know i've read a story or 2 about it before

2019-12-21 07:56:59 UTC  

Monarchism > Natsoc

2019-12-21 07:57:16 UTC  

The anschluss was a good idea though.

2019-12-21 07:57:36 UTC  

Remember when the spec ops tried to kill merkel?

2019-12-21 07:57:52 UTC  

Austria should be a state under Habsburg-rule within a Germany under Hohenzollern-rule.

2019-12-21 07:57:56 UTC  

that might be what i read

2019-12-21 07:58:21 UTC  

i saw some stuff like 8 months ago

2019-12-21 07:58:27 UTC  

i guess it's an ongoing issue

2019-12-21 07:59:46 UTC

2019-12-21 08:01:25 UTC  


2019-12-21 08:10:48 UTC  

white people should just be renamed to People of Hate

2019-12-21 08:11:05 UTC  

and hate is good

2019-12-21 08:12:02 UTC  

***Commence the Two minutes of hate.***

2019-12-21 08:12:52 UTC

2019-12-21 08:12:58 UTC

2019-12-21 08:15:18 UTC  

damn that board you posted was cringe

2019-12-21 08:17:00 UTC  

it's live

2019-12-21 08:17:34 UTC  

don't be a hater @marstomper

2019-12-21 08:19:37 UTC  

what's up canadagamer?

2019-12-21 08:22:38 UTC  

We´ve been having a space force nerds