Message from @DOGPILLED

Discord ID: 664317797513428994

2020-01-08 04:00:55 UTC  

Why does Ukraine have airplanes in Iran

2020-01-08 04:00:56 UTC  


2020-01-08 04:00:56 UTC  

What’s hPpening

2020-01-08 04:00:57 UTC  

i still showed him feet

2020-01-08 04:00:57 UTC  

Lmao go back to enjoying your scraps of attention from desperate people online

2020-01-08 04:01:01 UTC  

You know HAARP bounces high energy beams off the atmosphere

2020-01-08 04:01:02 UTC  


2020-01-08 04:01:03 UTC  


2020-01-08 04:01:12 UTC  

why tf would they shoot down Ukranian plane

2020-01-08 04:01:14 UTC  

That is dumb

2020-01-08 04:01:16 UTC  

@DOGPILLED i type this way on purpose, you insufferable piss hole

2020-01-08 04:01:20 UTC  

Putin did a surprise visit to Assad today

2020-01-08 04:01:20 UTC  

Castizas Feet are the horsemen of the apocalypse

2020-01-08 04:01:22 UTC  

Guys what’s appening

2020-01-08 04:01:30 UTC  

What reason does Russia have for avoiding WWIII reset?

2020-01-08 04:01:34 UTC  

@kommunistkardashian I'm just acting retarded I'm not actually retarded

2020-01-08 04:01:36 UTC  


2020-01-08 04:01:40 UTC  

Literally you

2020-01-08 04:01:45 UTC  

Grug brain check

2020-01-08 04:01:46 UTC  

The West has permanently excluded it from the world order

2020-01-08 04:01:50 UTC  

The dominant one

2020-01-08 04:01:52 UTC

2020-01-08 04:01:53 UTC  

@M'beke hee hee hoo hoo

2020-01-08 04:01:58 UTC  

Why shouldn't Russia just go for the reset

2020-01-08 04:02:05 UTC  

@DOGPILLED <:Yes:639977935209627658>

2020-01-08 04:02:06 UTC  

They already stopped the takeover of Syria

2020-01-08 04:02:11 UTC  

And Trump fucked up majorly

2020-01-08 04:02:14 UTC

2020-01-08 04:02:20 UTC  

@DOGPILLED and what of it ?

2020-01-08 04:02:22 UTC  

Tfw too big brain to interact with dumb nonwhite foid

2020-01-08 04:02:26 UTC  

Trump was Putin’s stooge

2020-01-08 04:02:30 UTC  

I'm fairly certain what he did to Sol in Iraq can be characterized as a war crime

2020-01-08 04:02:31 UTC

2020-01-08 04:02:33 UTC  

Think about it

2020-01-08 04:02:37 UTC  

World is a fuck

2020-01-08 04:02:38 UTC  

@M'beke oooooooooooo

2020-01-08 04:02:39 UTC  

Why did we let Russia buy our election

2020-01-08 04:02:47 UTC  

The US assassinated a foreign leader on a third nation's soil

2020-01-08 04:02:55 UTC  

At a public airport?