Message from @esotericpazuzuism

Discord ID: 672673492063354881

2020-01-31 05:21:13 UTC  

hate when that happens

2020-01-31 05:21:19 UTC  


2020-01-31 05:21:32 UTC  

That’s how you kill neets

2020-01-31 05:21:43 UTC  

Hide the food stamps under the cobwebbed ass work boots

2020-01-31 05:21:45 UTC  

im not a neet lmao

2020-01-31 05:21:51 UTC  


2020-01-31 05:21:57 UTC  

Marginal employment isn’t employment

2020-01-31 05:22:09 UTC  

It’s neoslavery

2020-01-31 05:22:11 UTC

2020-01-31 05:22:16 UTC  

no shit lol

2020-01-31 05:22:27 UTC  

So you’re a peon not an employee

2020-01-31 05:22:41 UTC  

Fugeur is white he just doesn't have white children.

2020-01-31 05:22:43 UTC  

Ergo not employed

2020-01-31 05:22:52 UTC  


2020-01-31 05:22:55 UTC  

Yikes son

2020-01-31 05:23:11 UTC  

Trommm he bailed all investment he had in white heritage

2020-01-31 05:23:51 UTC  

Nah, he can still contribute resources, and he's occupying enemy eggs.

2020-01-31 05:24:03 UTC  


2020-01-31 05:24:06 UTC  

He's keeping a ching Chong male from reproducing.

2020-01-31 05:24:08 UTC  

lol of ant ppl there a billion of them

2020-01-31 05:24:18 UTC  

even the wirus wont make a denite

2020-01-31 05:24:26 UTC  

That’s playing right into asiatic strategy

2020-01-31 05:24:45 UTC  

Far more of them to stop us from reproducing than us to stop them

2020-01-31 05:24:51 UTC

2020-01-31 05:24:53 UTC  

Yeah, they out number us, so occupying their eggs is not a viable strategy if you only do it to one.

2020-01-31 05:25:10 UTC  

You would need to impregnate 10 Asian females to make a dent.

2020-01-31 05:25:20 UTC  

If he was banging 20 Asian chicks whom he duped into being exclusive that would be acceptable

2020-01-31 05:25:40 UTC  

Other than that he’s playing right into their hands

2020-01-31 05:26:17 UTC  

Anyway that’s going to create rootless confused and heritageless offspring

2020-01-31 05:26:18 UTC  

Pretty much.

2020-01-31 05:27:18 UTC  

Hapas have psychological issues, but they could still work for white interests if the identify more with their white side. More likely they are loyal to CCP though.

2020-01-31 05:28:19 UTC  

They’re more likely to embrace a belief that’s akin to communism logically and genetically because communism just assimilates everything that’s willing to serve it

2020-01-31 05:28:36 UTC  

And its wicked purposes

2020-01-31 05:28:57 UTC  

With no regard for heritage, history, tradition, etc

2020-01-31 05:29:29 UTC  

Yeah, that is likely. But they have the potential to be loyal. You see mutts all over /pol/ that want a white ethnostate and want to be in it.

2020-01-31 05:29:30 UTC  

Also they look like chinamen

2020-01-31 05:29:49 UTC  

Eh it’s ops most likely

2020-01-31 05:29:58 UTC  

Conceivable though

2020-01-31 05:29:59 UTC  

Mutts have to pick a side or become globalist.

2020-01-31 05:30:18 UTC  

Becoming globalist will be the most common choice.

2020-01-31 05:30:22 UTC  

Mutts are the apotheosis of globalism