Message from @Norik

Discord ID: 675389177520455690

2020-02-07 17:10:32 UTC  

@Norik No.

2020-02-07 17:10:49 UTC  


2020-02-07 17:10:52 UTC  

ri fed men

2020-02-07 17:10:55 UTC  

Literally the goal right now is to take over a countries government

2020-02-07 17:10:59 UTC

2020-02-07 17:11:07 UTC  

Just read this my dudes

2020-02-07 17:11:11 UTC  

The methods apply well

2020-02-07 17:11:23 UTC  

>consume product it'll save the west

2020-02-07 17:11:30 UTC  


2020-02-07 17:12:03 UTC  

Read "Darth Plagueis" 😂

2020-02-07 17:12:23 UTC  

but yes I think music encapsulates the difference between europeans and east asians pretty well

2020-02-07 17:12:32 UTC  


2020-02-07 17:12:43 UTC  

whites are the best composers, asians are the most virtuosic players

2020-02-07 17:12:45 UTC  

SIGE is for pussies

2020-02-07 17:12:56 UTC  

>read Star Wars guys, it's a good political manual.

2020-02-07 17:13:04 UTC  

Call me skeptical.

2020-02-07 17:13:15 UTC  

How about you stop reading Star Wars and start READING SIEGE

2020-02-07 17:13:29 UTC  

No, reverse

2020-02-07 17:13:32 UTC  

how about you all stop being faggots and have seven children

2020-02-07 17:14:20 UTC  

Good point, how many of us here are actually engaged/married?

2020-02-07 17:15:28 UTC  

sad to say I'm not

2020-02-07 17:15:51 UTC  

I still haven't graduated and I want to know where I'll settle down before I start looking for a mate

2020-02-07 17:16:05 UTC  


2020-02-07 17:16:10 UTC  

I think marrying a local is probably better than marrying some cosmopolitan

2020-02-07 17:16:10 UTC  

I'm just joking.

2020-02-07 17:16:24 UTC  

for traditional values etc

2020-02-07 17:16:37 UTC  

I don’t know what I want to do with my life yet and I’m still trying to figure it out

2020-02-07 17:16:55 UTC  

somebody with a preference for staying in their home town despite incentives to the contrary probably has good genes for patriotism and love of home

2020-02-07 17:17:32 UTC  

No attacks on you guys here. I know it's hard to find good wife.

2020-02-07 17:18:36 UTC  

I mean I just haven't tried lmao

2020-02-07 17:21:03 UTC  

From my personal experience I can only tell someone right might come in the most unexpected moment. So not focusing on finding someone might be the best you could do early on.

2020-02-07 17:22:43 UTC  

But stuff like preference for certain activities or things is more connected to how said person was raised and not the genes.

2020-02-07 17:30:12 UTC  


2020-02-07 17:30:29 UTC  

my siblings and I have pretty different preferences

2020-02-07 17:31:04 UTC  

beyond the broader worldview imparted on us by our parents, you'd be surprised how different people can be even coming from the exact same genetic stock

2020-02-07 17:32:08 UTC  

I know since I have brother and we are nothing alike.

2020-02-07 17:35:20 UTC  

darth plageius is a good book

2020-02-07 17:35:36 UTC  

but probably read the elite theorists instead

2020-02-07 17:35:53 UTC  

if you want a real manual

2020-02-07 17:41:28 UTC  

i think i heard of a study that says siblings are as alike as two random people off the streets

2020-02-07 17:42:04 UTC  

That sounds retarded