Message from @+ Vive Senhora Del Mundo +

Discord ID: 642497956569808938

2019-11-08 22:54:35 UTC  

The pope is the Vicar of Christ

2019-11-08 22:54:38 UTC  

We follow what must be followed and the way it has to be followed, not as insane fanboys

2019-11-08 22:54:45 UTC  

The Doctor Saint Thomas Aquinas O.P († 1274) used this incident as an indication that all superiors are to be disobeyed should their commands be against the Will of God.
“It is written: ‘We ought to obey God rather than men.’ Now sometimes the things commanded by a superior are against God. Therefore, superiors are not to be obeyed in all things.” (Summa Theologiae, IIa IIae, Q. 104, A. 5)

2019-11-08 22:54:54 UTC  

That’s not what I believe @Mozalbete ⳩

2019-11-08 22:55:06 UTC  

Are you Opus Dei?

2019-11-08 22:55:09 UTC  

Well, the Vicar of Christ was put under house arrest and considered persona non grata until he backtracked

2019-11-08 22:55:13 UTC  

This is sounding very Opus Dei

2019-11-08 22:55:18 UTC  

Are you just copy and pasting off of an SSPX website @Based Chav

2019-11-08 22:55:22 UTC  

I’m a sedevacantist

2019-11-08 22:55:42 UTC  

<:eksdee:558283291292336138> <:eksdee:558283291292336138> <:eksdee:558283291292336138> <:eksdee:558283291292336138>

2019-11-08 22:55:46 UTC  

By who the emperor? @Mozalbete ⳩

2019-11-08 22:55:48 UTC  

You lot never last long here.

2019-11-08 22:56:03 UTC  

By the emperor, supported by the ecumenical council

2019-11-08 22:56:48 UTC  

The Vicar of Christ also reprimanded Peter on his behaviour. I know the answer will be "well, but Peter didn't write a paper this and that way..." doesn't matter, the idea is that there are many things done and said and supported by popes which can be resisted

2019-11-08 22:56:50 UTC  

How can a council be ecumenical without the popes approval so why would it be their wish to jail him when they couldn’t he ecumenical otherwise.

2019-11-08 22:56:54 UTC  

As it has always been

2019-11-08 22:57:10 UTC  


2019-11-08 22:57:13 UTC  

That’s not true

2019-11-08 22:57:13 UTC  

Yet they were right, and the pope had to backtrack

2019-11-08 22:57:19 UTC  

That's perfectly trye lmao

2019-11-08 22:57:29 UTC  

I want to see this document in question

2019-11-08 22:57:36 UTC  

I’m sure you’re misrepresenting it

2019-11-08 22:57:54 UTC  

Coming from the Sedevacantist, that is hilarious.

2019-11-08 22:58:12 UTC  

Can you stop being a golem and chuckling in the corner

2019-11-08 22:58:23 UTC  

We follow God, we are not pope fanboys

2019-11-08 22:58:47 UTC  

Are you Jewish?

2019-11-08 22:58:51 UTC  


2019-11-08 22:58:58 UTC  

I've only ever heard Jews use that term unironically.

2019-11-08 22:59:05 UTC  

What golem?

2019-11-08 22:59:24 UTC  

Can you cut it out seriously, I’m trying to talk with this other guy.

2019-11-08 22:59:32 UTC  

Constantine, the most glorious Quæstor, said: While I am still present at your holy council by reason of the reading of the documents which have been presented to you, I would say that the most pious Emperor has sent a minute (formam), to your Holy Synod, concerning the name of Vigilius, that it be no more inserted in the holy diptychs of the Church, on account of the impiety which he defended. Neither let it be recited by you, nor retained, either in the church of the royal city, or in other churches which are entrusted to you and to the other bishops in the State committed by God to his rule. And when you hear this minute, again you will perceive by it how much the most serene Emperor cares for the unity of the holy churches and for the purity of the holy mysteries.

[The letter was then read.]

The holy Synod said: What has seemed good to the most pious Emperor is congruous to the labours which he bears for the unity of the churches. Let us preserve unity to (ad) the Apostolic See of the most holy Church of ancient Rome, carrying out all things according to the tenor of what has been read. De proposita vero quæstione quod jam promisimus procedat.

2019-11-08 23:00:00 UTC  

And I'm pretty sure that we can find popes from all ages defending or saying nonsense under several different circumstances

2019-11-08 23:00:42 UTC  

@+ Vive Senhora Del Mundo + You are a sede and catachumen?

2019-11-08 23:00:51 UTC  


2019-11-08 23:00:57 UTC  


2019-11-08 23:01:03 UTC  

Sedes don't get confirmed because they don't believe the can be validly confirmed

2019-11-08 23:01:04 UTC  

Because I’m not confirmed

2019-11-08 23:01:11 UTC  

Yes we do

2019-11-08 23:01:19 UTC  

This guy lmao

2019-11-08 23:01:45 UTC  

Laugh all you want, Sede.