Message from @Arkona 92

Discord ID: 563016154692452353

2019-04-02 22:18:29 UTC  

>>208698331 12oz sodas usually have 44g of sugar. I had coworker faggots who drank multiple cans per day because our work had free soda cans. A snickers bar has 27g of sugar. So if you drink a couple 12oz cans of coke a day, that's like eating 3.2 snickers bars a day.

2019-04-02 23:18:37 UTC  

.chan lit

2019-04-02 23:18:38 UTC  

>>12869820 find>replace tao with capital

2019-04-03 10:09:15 UTC  

.chan k

2019-04-03 10:09:15 UTC  

>>41064401 *badly done finger guns* >>41064381 >Harper pulls me off of them and keeps me from beating the Illusion Fags too badly >only manage to bruise them badly and maybe fracture a bone or two >Apparently she didn’t want me beating them to death in front of Natalie >”we can’t just fucking murder a bunch of faggots because they tricked us with illusions, even if those assholes deserve it.” >she casts a murderous glare at them, accenting her point >they scramble off scared, knowing that if Harper lets me out of her wings for a second I will go back and finish the job >I struggle to go after them for a second but the harpys wings hug me tight and keep me back >my fury at them slowly subsides as the warmth of harpers blanket like wings gently embrace me >”dont fucking worry about those faggots, I’m fine.” >she whispers this gently to me, nuzzling my head and stroking me with her wings >my anger slowly fades and leaves something else >it’s a strange mix of sadness and melancholy >I feel as if I actually lost her >I think I’m sweating a lot from this >some of it got into my eyes, because I think they are watering now >... >fuck you, I’m not crying >I hear Harper cooing to me >”don’t worry fucker, it’s alright. Don’t worry, I’m fucking fine.” >I’m glad she’s here with me >I hear footsteps wal up to us >”excuse me, but is everything alright?” >”fuck off bitch, can’t you see we're having a fucking moment here?” >who I think is a sales lady quickly backs off >”don’t you fucking worry anon, I’m here. I’m not going to fucking let you go” >those words are very reassuring >/k/ube bless this harpy

2019-04-03 13:07:36 UTC  

.chan lit

2019-04-03 13:07:36 UTC  

>>12868376 Hyperphallus

2019-04-03 13:07:43 UTC  

.chan lit

2019-04-03 13:07:44 UTC  

Forest edition Monthly Reading for April: TBD Fantasy: 59/105363.jpg 8e/21328.jpg Flowchart: 8e/21327.jpg Science Fiction: 8f/124507.jpg 11/114401.jpg General: 8e/21332.jpg 8e/21330.jpg NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books: 8e/21333.jpg SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries: -list.php Previously: >>12864198 >>12859235 >>12851046 >>12840324 >>12827253

2019-04-03 15:03:01 UTC  
2019-04-03 15:03:30 UTC  
2019-04-03 15:03:34 UTC  


2019-04-03 15:04:04 UTC  

.chan lit

2019-04-03 15:04:04 UTC  

>>12870305 From my understanding, and I've only watched a few of his lectures and read one of his books, Zizek sees a truer sense of satisfaction as existing within limits that gives the happiness meaning. Forget his exact anecdote, but he says at one point that some peasants living in a Soviet country were happier than its current citizens because there was never enough shortages for a true famine but enough to make the people value what they had, and they all had someone to blame (the Soviet government) for their problems. Whereas in capitalism, our constant striving without limits makes people dissatisfied. Capitalism is antithetical to hard limits. I would not be surprised if he talks about Lacanian desire in the debate.

2019-04-03 15:04:23 UTC  
2019-04-03 15:04:41 UTC  
2019-04-03 15:04:47 UTC  

.chan mu

2019-04-03 15:04:47 UTC  

idk lmao

2019-04-03 15:04:47 UTC  

>>86894733 >Country is smaller than continents Oh shit

2019-04-03 15:04:59 UTC  


2019-04-03 15:05:11 UTC  

.chan his

2019-04-03 15:05:11 UTC  

>>6398424 Jesus, the Daily Mail really is just the right-wing Guardian isn't it

2019-04-03 15:05:33 UTC  


2019-04-03 15:05:34 UTC  

happy birthday sfores :^)

2019-04-03 15:05:48 UTC  


2019-04-03 15:06:46 UTC  

.chan gif

2019-04-03 15:06:47 UTC  

>>14756611 >>14756793 but youre wrong tho >>14756584 this is right. it was satire to make fun of his authoritarianism they just chose the wrong character model from the wrong game.

2019-04-03 15:06:58 UTC  

.chan k

2019-04-03 15:06:58 UTC  

Now I don't like mine because I saw yours. >>41059216

2019-04-03 15:10:48 UTC  

.chan b

2019-04-03 15:10:48 UTC  

Shouldnt share thread vol 3000

2019-04-03 17:45:55 UTC  

.chan x

2019-04-03 17:45:56 UTC  

>>22450451 this the babylonians didn't teach the jews their magic, all they could steal was the stories

2019-04-03 17:48:31 UTC  


2019-04-03 17:48:43 UTC  

jew magic

2019-04-03 20:56:39 UTC  


2019-04-03 23:50:30 UTC  

.chan k

2019-04-03 23:50:33 UTC  

>>41070337 No he doesn't. If you ACTUALLY finish listening to everything he says, he states that he doesn't like the idea that people heard his story and bought a gun thinking that it will grant them automatic protection. He states that he trained for a long time, spent countless hours doing research, training AT THE RANGE, and that is why he believes he survived multiple gunfights. He was just getting the idea through that buying a gun isn't enough, that one must train with it. He never makes mention of receiving professional private training (something which wasn't common back then), and at the end of the video, he mentions that he hates the fact that California is a hard state to get a CCW and that it should be a right, not something needing a permit from the Government. I'd ask you to pay more attention, but you most likely couldn't get through my comment with your fly attention span brain. >>41070300 The armed guard was part time and was in none of the gun fights. The criminals stake out the place before hitting it, they waited until the armed guard was off duty to strike. Either way, yes, you're 100% right. You could be Bob Vogel, Pat Mac, Shrek, Clint Smith, Wild Bill Hicock and every single gun fighting personality known to man mixed into one, all it takes is a nigger pulling the trigger when the barrel is aiming at your aorta, heart, spine, brain, etc and you're a gonner. He doesn't even have to aim, just get lucky as he mag dumps 10 random potentially fatal shots off his hi-point towards your general direction. Gun fights aren't rpg video games, this is why Navy SEALS and Green Berets continually get their asses kicked by small groups of goat fuckers throughout the world. A man is a man, and a bullet is a bullet. Once out of the barrel, anything goes.

2019-04-04 00:33:39 UTC  

.chan mu

2019-04-04 01:13:02 UTC  

.chan pol

2019-04-04 03:31:59 UTC  

.chan his