Message from @Βασίλειος Θεοδόσιος

Discord ID: 513182407495647232

2018-11-17 00:25:29 UTC  

It's a smaller ~45 sec clip that's repeated across the vid

Is it in Manchuria?

I know the Russians built the Orthodox Church in Harbin

until Russians lose the power in Manchuria by Japanese

2018-11-17 00:26:23 UTC  


2018-11-17 00:26:51 UTC  

whomst else peeped this book

2018-11-17 00:27:31 UTC  

I want to get it but I haven't

2018-11-17 00:27:43 UTC  

I listened to a short talk on it by some monk or priest

2018-11-17 00:34:56 UTC  

@ChuuniMage , I noticed your comment on 'strict, narrow, definitions'. One thing to keep in mind in regard to Western theology is while we may approach things in a very scientific fashion, this does not mean that we do so to the exclusion of other theological traditions and it does not mean that we regard those traditions as heretical. In my experience (and so far, this has been bourne out in this conversation) the East is stricter and narrower because it rejects all Western theology and discipline outright whereas the West, while adhering to its own unique traditions that go back to apostles, still learns from the East. When we try to explain stuff, like how we do liturgy or matters of discipline (which are going to be different by nature, because cultural differences effect this), its not that we are rejecting other ways, its that we simply don't do it that way for very specific reasons. You claim to be opposed to 'strict, narrow definitions' when this entire conversation revolves around the fact that the West does something different from the East and rather than trying to understand the theological and disciplinary reasons behind it, you simply reject because its not the way you do it in the East/it comes from Rome, so it must be wrong. I

2018-11-17 00:36:20 UTC  

. I'm totally cool with trying to explain what we do and why we do it. And I'm totally cool with learning about the East and why the East does things the way it does, but if the only response is 'it's from the West, its heresy' or 'we do it this way, you're wrong' then you aren't really interested in understanding why we believe what we believe which means you're not interested in eventual reconciliation of the Church (in other words, if you always approach, RC with antagonism, don't expect us to take you and your point of view seriously), and that means that we're both wasting our time even talking to each other. With that said, I have adulting to do. So you won't hear from me further on this topic. I've beaten my head against the wall on this enough for one day.

2018-11-17 00:37:38 UTC  

Thanks for the response, I'll take what you've said into consideration and look to enter into the discussion in better faith on my end.

2018-11-17 00:40:57 UTC  

I would actually really enjoy having proper theological discussions, and don't want any wrong attitudes I have preventing an actual dialogue.

2018-11-17 01:30:39 UTC  
2018-11-17 02:16:34 UTC  

We should have tags for country

2018-11-17 02:17:02 UTC  

I wouldn't know what to put

2018-11-17 02:17:09 UTC  

I'd have like 3 tags

2018-11-17 02:17:11 UTC  


@󠀂 󠀂 Yes as well as my fb account

My discord name is same with fb name

And I mention my korean name next to my facebook name named alexandros

2018-11-17 02:45:44 UTC  

I mean like I'm also Korean, but I live in Murica

2018-11-17 04:06:52 UTC  

and I'm Polish but live in Straya

2018-11-17 04:11:33 UTC  

And I'm American and live in America

2018-11-17 04:11:39 UTC  


2018-11-17 04:11:49 UTC  


2018-11-17 04:12:03 UTC  

My mother's side has heen here since the colonies

2018-11-17 04:12:11 UTC  

Father's side only a couple generations

2018-11-17 04:12:14 UTC  

You're an Anglo

2018-11-17 04:12:16 UTC  


2018-11-17 04:12:20 UTC  

aus Deutschland

2018-11-17 04:12:30 UTC  

You're a Germanic

2018-11-17 04:12:48 UTC  

Is your father's side Saxon by any chance

2018-11-17 04:12:51 UTC  

My mother's side has a fair bit of Dutch and German, although undoubtedly Anglo as well

2018-11-17 04:12:56 UTC  

Regardless I'm Germanic stock

2018-11-17 04:13:05 UTC  


2018-11-17 04:13:13 UTC  

The family comes from the Rhineland-palatinate

2018-11-17 04:13:16 UTC  


2018-11-17 04:13:23 UTC  

So Rhenish Franconian