Message from @󠀂 󠀂

Discord ID: 513226328678334464

2018-11-17 05:32:24 UTC  


2018-11-17 05:32:27 UTC  

i just google it

2018-11-17 05:32:31 UTC  

and copypaste

2018-11-17 05:32:49 UTC  

it is actually messed up how convenient google is

2018-11-17 05:32:51 UTC  

Söla bide :DDDDD

2018-11-17 05:33:54 UTC  

No they're not just sola scriptura, they take Christianity as some philosophy or whatever

2018-11-17 05:34:05 UTC  

cHurCheS aRe mAnMadE

2018-11-17 05:35:00 UTC  

I don't even consider that Christian

2018-11-17 05:35:19 UTC  

That just sounds like a postmodernist who unironically somehow reads a Bible

2018-11-17 05:35:36 UTC  

Usually KJV

2018-11-17 05:36:29 UTC  

well that is what it is

2018-11-17 05:36:35 UTC  

People are postmodernists without realising it

2018-11-17 05:36:49 UTC  

because it's gotten so ingrained at the foundation of pop culture

2018-11-17 05:37:11 UTC  

look at fucking Scream

2018-11-17 05:37:17 UTC  

that was a good movie

2018-11-17 05:37:28 UTC  

but it's postmodern self-awareness and feminist propaganda

2018-11-17 05:37:35 UTC  

that is just barely within the accepted 90s edgy range

2018-11-17 05:37:38 UTC  

but it was beginning

2018-11-17 05:37:50 UTC  

A lot of shit is feminist propaganda npwadays

2018-11-17 05:38:01 UTC  

They turned fucking Star Wars into femshit propaganda

2018-11-17 05:38:12 UTC  


2018-11-17 05:38:33 UTC  

There are a bunch of evanjellies that are the "relationship not religion" camp

2018-11-17 05:39:03 UTC  


2018-11-17 05:39:04 UTC  


2018-11-17 05:39:19 UTC  

It's not as bad as the Jordan Pederson guys though that just take it all to be metaphors

2018-11-17 05:39:45 UTC  

Those guys are just apostate despite having good morals

2018-11-17 05:39:45 UTC  

I never paid even a second to JP

2018-11-17 05:39:52 UTC  

Is that for the better

2018-11-17 05:39:57 UTC  

He knows psychology and rhetoric

2018-11-17 05:40:08 UTC  

But I wouldn't consult him on other matters

2018-11-17 05:40:31 UTC  

He's right-wing but only a moderate right-wing

2018-11-17 05:40:31 UTC  

I just know lolbertarians love JP

2018-11-17 05:41:04 UTC  

I'm not sure what he thinks of LGBT

2018-11-17 05:41:38 UTC  

But I think he tends to fall into the general conservative crowd, which can attract lolbertarians too

2018-11-17 05:42:05 UTC  

Ironically, Sargon of Akkad, who is Classical Liberal tends to push people to far-right

2018-11-17 05:42:19 UTC  

JP was actually the fish hook that I took that led me to orthodoxy

2018-11-17 05:42:23 UTC  

I think he's becoming more right-wing though over time

2018-11-17 05:42:24 UTC  

and now orthodoxy is my go-to reference

2018-11-17 05:42:35 UTC  

He does like EO

2018-11-17 05:42:55 UTC  

It was his stuff on symbolism and stories from a evolutionary psychology perspective that got me good

2018-11-17 05:42:56 UTC  

Does he?