Message from @Ave ad Dominum

Discord ID: 536303505837916186

2019-01-16 22:56:34 UTC  


2019-01-17 01:55:28 UTC  

2019-01-17 02:24:12 UTC  

@Septapus wormhole reply
Such brash displays of national might run counter to the fundamental principles of modesty and friendship that undergird Chinese society. The global community should not allow itself to fragment along regional lines and delve into the nihilism of arms races, for such activity is diplomatically toxic. NATO once again proves itself to be little more than fractious power bloc consisting of feeble former powers in the throes of hegemonic death.

China now raises its peaceful and loving hand to point the world towards a new dawn, a fresh and sunny chapter of history that will see the collective uplift of humanity. Today is the day China ushers in an era of world comity.

2019-01-17 02:24:12 UTC  

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2019-01-17 02:24:25 UTC  

2019-01-17 03:00:59 UTC  

@Septapus wormhole send send me cute niggers UwU

2019-01-17 03:01:00 UTC  

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2019-01-17 04:55:04 UTC  

@Septapus wormhole send send me some clop pics

2019-01-17 04:55:05 UTC  

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2019-01-17 07:26:17 UTC  

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2019-01-17 11:36:50 UTC  

2019-01-17 17:41:52 UTC  

@Septapus wormhole reply Read Siege by James Mason. Stop being a white liberal. Liberalism is what got us into this mess. Read Siege! READ SIEGE! SMOKE FUCKING METH! HAIL FUCKING SATAN!

2019-01-17 17:41:52 UTC  

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2019-01-17 19:03:13 UTC  


2019-01-18 05:14:22 UTC  

2019-01-18 17:08:52 UTC  

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2019-01-18 23:01:31 UTC  

@Septapus wormhole send send me your penis

2019-01-18 23:01:32 UTC  

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2019-01-19 05:40:39 UTC  


2019-01-19 21:58:39 UTC

2019-01-19 21:58:47 UTC  

I look Nordic as fuck

2019-01-19 21:58:53 UTC  

Prussian German ethnicity

2019-01-20 02:19:51 UTC  

stupid haircut

2019-01-20 02:19:55 UTC  

terrible chin

2019-01-20 02:19:58 UTC  

undefined jawline

2019-01-20 02:19:59 UTC  


2019-01-20 03:29:29 UTC  

the fuck you mean

2019-01-20 03:29:35 UTC  

thats a prime example of ultimate ubermensch

2019-01-20 03:54:16 UTC  


2019-01-21 00:18:55 UTC  

@Septapus wormhole send SEND ME YOUR DICK UWU

2019-01-21 00:18:56 UTC  

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2019-01-21 00:22:06 UTC  

2019-01-21 00:42:06 UTC  

2019-01-22 04:27:30 UTC  

@Septapus wormhole send U GAY

2019-01-22 04:27:30 UTC  

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2019-01-22 11:14:45 UTC  

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2019-01-22 15:08:55 UTC  

2019-01-22 16:20:38 UTC  

@smirnoff that video has cum in it

2019-01-22 18:24:30 UTC  

no shit