Message from @Badger
Discord ID: 454386376620900373
What first holocaust? lmao
but to stress the point, there are way more democracies that voted the destruction of people than dictatorships have ever started
He's right tho
Ottoman Empire did committ the first genocide
Nah, there were like dozens of genocides before the ottomans tbqh
Was just talking about liberties yesterday with a friend, I wouldn't mind it being limited either
Also, hi everyone o/
There are certain liberties that we could do without.
The Greek and Armenian Genocide began in the 11th century. Always remember that
Pls tell me I'm not the only who struggles staying away from the wrong kind of women.
I'm sure you're not.
That'll do.
"I have an idea that makes me feel like I'm smart and moral. If I make that idea reality, it'll just work!"
"If we made Communism, it would be good and it would work. We just need to make it work."
You don't solve problems starting from the position that "I want it to be this way therefore I want to make it work that way" and then try to make it that way.
"I want guns to come across the Mexico border to prove that guns are bad. I'm going to put guns into the hands of Mexican criminals who will take them across the border and that'll prove that guns come across the Mexican border and that'll prove that guns are bad." - Actually thing Obama did
"I want to prove that fish feel pain, so I'm going to inject fish with morphine and spray acid on them to prove that fish feel pain even though fish will never encounter these man-made things in their environment and in most other cases they don't demonstrate that they feel pain!"
And that's how you red pill someone in a debate over whether or not certain classes of vegetarians can eat fish or not.
That's just sick.
Thought you sounded like a vegan for a second, tbh
Vatican secretary of State will go to the Bilderber meeting
at this point is safe to say the number 2 of Vatican City is probably a freemason
Well the number 1 is a Peronist.
Even worse
they all Catholic
Church leaders have been worse things than freemasons and Communists and the Church has continued to expand.
Very true
OK so any of y'all know Latin?
I'm thinking of creating some anti-pedophile memes based on a pun on "In Hoc Signo Vinces"
but with a millstone
what would I change the Latin to so that it means "use this sign to conquer"
as in, an imperative to literally use the "symbol" to conquer
If I'm not mistaken, "In Hoc Signo Vincite" = "In This Sign, Conquer"
Or "Conquer in this sign!:
yessss thanks
No problem! haha Make sure you post the memes here when they're finished!
vincite is plural, vince is singular, i'll go with vincite