Message from @Kike of Kaifeng
Discord ID: 460086581303312394
And it's Master is Satan, who desires the death of all mankind.
I fully agree. The more people we help realize this, the more we prevent from falling into his clutches.
Yes, Jesus did call Pharisees hypocrites, so it has to mean something. 🤔 In that case, it was a tool of Jesus insulting them righteously. The core of what they preached wasn't wrong, but their practice didn't live up to it. Jesus pointed out the discrepancy observing people would know the (((Elders))) were not really serving God, only pretending to.
So it's probably something where the motive matters more than the tactic. When lefties use it, it's to discredit the good message. When Jesus used it, it was to rightly discredit Pharisees.
Whenever the leftist references something remotely virtuous, it is to twist it and make it perverse
believing in a standard and falling short of it is not hypocrisy
it’s just falling to sin
hypocrisy is when you don’t even care about upholding the standard and just want to look like you are
in other words, hypocrisy is virtue-signalling
they also deceitfully used the law to attack their enemies
for example, the whole issue of "if your donkey fell in a ditch on the Sabbath you'd pull it out"
they knew works of mercy are permitted on the Sabbath; yet they dissembled to use it as an attack
@CPEGaebler yes, we should not imitate them in the way we rest on the Lord’s Day
You ever get those moments where you know there are certain people you'll never be able to be straight up with about your views and you feel a little sad about it.
I have that very little
Most people i give what i am all about pretty early on
I can only think of one concurrent instance where i do not know how to pronoucne my views properly
that is that among a group of friends there is this one girl who is pretending to be a man. SHe is on hormones and eveyrthing. I have told her before that i believe she is not scroing points with God by rejecting His natural order, but in more day to day contact, i'm not too certain yet about my attitiude. I am of course not planning to reckognize her as a man and i don't know if i should call her by her actual name or by her "new name"
I have spoken about this with my other friends, who are usually going along with her delusion. I am perfectly fine with telling them that, but i still haven't had a proper talk about it, face to face, with the deluded girl
The man she is playing is a fictional character
If it would cause her undue distress to call her by her actual name rather than by the name of the character she plays, then use her character's name if you must
Pray for wisdom continually
And keep reading Scripture, because God may speak to there about something related at just the right time when you're seeking his will
@Karst S. it's not easy, but that's what I advise
If you think you can use her actual name without her getting a panic attack, then just do that
Yeah, i'll take that to heart
Best would probably be if i could sit down with her in a one on one. THen i could tell her that i respect her and care for her and exactly that's why i can't go along with the idea that she would be a man
Defusing any tensions is now more important, because she won't take in anything i say if we are on hostile terms i suppose
@Karst S. yeah, pray for the ability to stand firm but show love, and for God to soften her heart
God loves her as he has made her
Can I get that picture of martin luther that says "shut up fat retard"?
How come trannys can get male hormones easily but I have to go thru a drug dealer
it's because you're trying to create, not destroy @yellowsash
hey doc i want you to give me female hormones and cut off my penis
hey doc i don't think i have enough testosterone so i'm not as virile as i should be
On all levels except physical
also physical
Not if you have not enough hormones yet