Message from @ChuuniMage

Discord ID: 512367799151230977

2018-11-14 20:17:25 UTC  


2018-11-14 20:17:38 UTC  

Reminder that orthodox literally perfer muslims over catholics

2018-11-14 20:17:47 UTC  

So I can ask "what havev you done to fight against the abuse of the homosexuals?"

2018-11-14 20:18:08 UTC  

Oh definitely Spartan they're definitely just as sex obsessed as the Jews

2018-11-14 20:18:43 UTC  

Don't be autistic enough to start petty fights. But if someone wants to say "you will be given this answer", do so explicitely.

2018-11-14 20:18:49 UTC  

Hence all the crowing about how their priests travel to have sex with their wives

2018-11-14 20:19:22 UTC  

*are able to have sex with their wives

2018-11-14 20:22:07 UTC  


2018-11-14 20:25:16 UTC  

Originally, I was just trying to point out that being smug about lefties being paedophiles doesn't work when anyone could spend zero effort to just say "pedo priests lel" and immediately just derail the topic of conversation into defense of that topic

2018-11-14 20:25:39 UTC  

Which shows that the attempted plan of dialogue is flawed in a very obvious way

2018-11-14 20:25:48 UTC  

Smugness being a motivation for dialogue also seems unwise

2018-11-14 20:26:05 UTC  

but if you're going to be smug it needs to be airtight smug to get away with it

2018-11-14 20:29:05 UTC  

If the entire goal was to shut them up then tbh the best tactic might be a variation on "If they ask you to go with them one mile, go with them two", and get a web of SJW logic to prevent them from saying anything you find offensive

2018-11-14 20:29:25 UTC  

If they agree with their own logic they have to dismantle their own arguments in order to continue blaspheming

2018-11-14 20:33:29 UTC  

On the contrary, as I said and have done, I want them to mention priests, because I have a collection of reports with statistics about how many are homosexuals. It caught me off guard, however, a cheap attack on this very server, since it wasn't presented as a potential risk. And of course, I will say that I find offensive anything they say

2018-11-14 20:36:07 UTC  

That's the problem - The collection of reports and statistics is still playing on the "pedo priests" turf. They're on the offensive, you're on the defensive, and the discussion will get bogged down in detail and drag on for too long. That's fine if *that's* your preferred strategy, to just "win" arguments by attrition, but that's not as useful as turning their own logic against them, and forcing them to dismantle their own worldview.

2018-11-14 20:36:51 UTC  

Picking where to actually have an argument is important, not just the details of the argument and if you can be self-satisfied in how technically correct it is.

2018-11-14 20:37:36 UTC  

Enemies do not care about how technically correct your argument is, and it won't convince them of anything.

2018-11-14 20:45:21 UTC  

Their worldview can be reduced to the glorification of orgies and hedonism. Any "logic" they use is just some way to push that glorification. I would say that showing the perversion of such things is just as important as showing how they are hypocrites.

2018-11-14 20:46:13 UTC  

I could as well say that they don't care about being called hypocrites, or how much you try to use their logic against them. They will just say "no", call you a bigot and repeat how wonderful sodomy is

2018-11-14 20:46:42 UTC  

I don't think their worldview can be reduced to the glorification of orgies and hedonism. That's their end goal, but the worldview supports the end goal. The end goal isn't the worldview.

2018-11-14 20:48:13 UTC  

You'd be surprised how much it can be reduced to that. I constantly observe what they do, and what they defend, and there is always the same common factor. Their logic/worldview doesn't apply when it comes to what they want to defend. So their hedonism isn't a consequence of their worldview. Their worldview is something they came up with to somehow defend perversion with a straight face.

2018-11-14 20:48:50 UTC  

That's what I mean - They came up with the worldview *to defend* their perversion. The perversion is just there, pulling them from behind the scenes.

2018-11-14 20:50:55 UTC  

But the worldview is the philosophies and sentiments that motivate them to defend those perversions - All part and parcel of the modernist spirit.

2018-11-14 20:51:16 UTC  

That's their idol

2018-11-14 20:51:29 UTC  

The hedonism and perversion aren't their idols - they use the idols of modernism and postmodernism to support their hedonism and perversion

2018-11-14 20:54:33 UTC  

They are not motives, they are just tools that are useful for making others turn a blind eye on their degeneracy. If you point out that they are hypocrites, or that following some line of thought they should not do this or trhat, they will just not care, because they don't really believe in those things. They are just convenient to push for hedonism

2018-11-14 20:55:44 UTC  

Off to work - Talk to you later

2018-11-14 20:58:53 UTC  


2018-11-15 02:01:33 UTC  

College campuses nowadays

2018-11-15 02:01:34 UTC  


2018-11-15 03:28:43 UTC  


2018-11-15 03:29:15 UTC  

Modern women.

2018-11-15 03:29:36 UTC  

College is a mistake

2018-11-15 03:30:11 UTC  

I left as soon as I saw a flyer for a telling of "Gender-bending Fairy Tales".

2018-11-15 03:30:17 UTC  

Posted on the public board.

2018-11-15 03:30:35 UTC  

Well, no as soon as that, but I left pretty fast afterwards.

2018-11-15 03:55:15 UTC  

>people who leave straight after the Eucharist

2018-11-15 03:55:17 UTC  


2018-11-15 04:18:26 UTC  

>people who show up five minutes before Eucharist