Message from @Mozalbete ⳩
Discord ID: 513003675669757962
You are the best example of them, folllowers of a disgusting, evil man
Luther did not get along with Calvin
Who has damned many, many souls
Nor Zwinglo
Nor the Anabaptists
They developed independently
Luther was a disgusting person who perversed Christianity
Introduced his retarded fanfic
Broke his voews
Married a nun
Spat on authority and tradition
Did the EO do that too?
It's a perfect example of what not to do, and his "reformation" is as much of a "reformation" as the current reformation that presents sodomy and abortion as the greatest virtues
No, because the disputes with the orthodox are of different nature, and not an evil monk
Oh, so when their clergy are married, it's fine?
When their clergy are married, they didn't break vows, and they definitely didn't make a nun break hers
>Vow of lifelong chastity
>Gets married.
>Not a breach.
I assume that their voews don't include celibacy if they are allowed to marry
Nuns are married to Christ, though, m8
Ceremonially, anyway.
Let's not pretend Luther was, let's say, better than any random perverse heretic
Vows to a corrupt establishment do not Trump "Be fruitful and multiply"
Also the EO and OO both marry
It doesn't cease to amaze me how people declare themselves followers of that evil man who declared war on the Church, celebrate his perverse rebelion, and then tike to brag about how orthodox they are, and how much they love tradition, and want to "fit in". Well, you can't have it both ways,
Calling the Church of Christ a corrupt establishment
Dense question.
My great grandfather was OO
What's OO?
My great grandfather was OO
Oriental Orthodox
Pack it up boys, Christ is corrupt
Yeah, cause we all know how the EO, OO, and RC all agree on tradition
It's not the tradition itself
It is the fact that there is a mechanism inspired by the HS, set up by Christ, through apostolic succession, that is NEEDEED
Then come the lutherans and start talking about how evil that Church is, giving themselves the name of a perverse heretic
And even daring to say "this is a heresy", when they are defined by their hate towards the authority that can determine what is a heresy
Yeah, so when the OO got anathematized at Chalcedon did they lose Apostolic Succession too?