Message from @vhozonian

Discord ID: 561228240187031553

2019-03-29 16:24:26 UTC  

Why are people who are against corporal punishment for children such depraved monsters?

2019-03-29 16:24:59 UTC  

Not all of them

2019-03-29 16:25:05 UTC  

Most of them.

2019-03-29 16:25:29 UTC  

I've seen people literally say that CPS should take kids away from parents that hit their kids with, shock and horror, a wooden spoon on the butt.

2019-03-29 16:26:03 UTC  

Fuck's sake, my granny used to use a metal one. What the hell is wrong with these people?

2019-03-29 16:28:39 UTC  

I wouldn't corporally punish my children, there are thousands ways better to discipline a child.

2019-03-29 16:29:27 UTC  

I've seen that it just makes kids resentful in later stages of life

2019-03-29 16:31:49 UTC  

I'm almost entirely sure they're "resentful" because people that are against corporal punishment actively turn them against their parents. I've never seen it happen naturally.

2019-03-29 16:32:50 UTC  

It's the same thing with children who "resent" their parents for not letting them transition into a woman, or something. That's almost never the case until some outside influence convinces them that they actually resent their parents, and are just repressing it or some crap.

2019-03-29 16:32:53 UTC  

@vhozonian What about when they do the Fornite dance?

2019-03-29 16:33:26 UTC  

they're kids lmao

2019-03-29 16:33:52 UTC  

When they do fortnite dance that's when you beat them

2019-03-29 16:33:57 UTC  


2019-03-29 16:34:02 UTC  


2019-03-29 16:34:10 UTC  

Yeah, I know, which is why they don't naturally hate their parents until someone, later on, in their teens or early adults, convinces them that they 'actually' resent their parents.

2019-03-29 16:36:21 UTC  

(modern) Psycologists, especially, are master manipulators. They can use unsubtantiated concepts like "emotional repression" to convince young, impressonable people, that they don't actually feel the way that they feel, but they actually feel the way that 'they' tell them they feel.

2019-03-29 16:39:55 UTC  

The one thing I hate about about the anti-corporal punishment brigade is their circular logic.

2019-03-29 16:39:57 UTC  


2019-03-29 16:40:23 UTC  

"I was smacked as a child and I turned out fine."

2019-03-29 16:40:37 UTC  

They're all just quite soft essentially.

2019-03-29 16:40:39 UTC  

When no one tells them, they just question why they're the way they are. Most people I've met with problems come from that type of environment

2019-03-29 16:43:27 UTC  

Common problems include anger issues

2019-03-29 16:43:31 UTC  

I mean, most of the people we're dealing with now, that 'really' have problems, don't come from that type of environment. Hell, most serial killers throughout time were raised by single mothers..

2019-03-29 16:44:55 UTC  

@vhozonian And as I've said, I've never seen a case where those problems manifest 'before' they're heavily influenced by people that are, at least tacitly, opposed to the practices of their parents.

2019-03-29 16:44:56 UTC  

Some serial killers went through abuse (often physical) and others came from negligence

2019-03-29 16:46:00 UTC  

It's just like Christian kids who go to a liberal arts college and then 'discover' how much they actually secretly hated their parents all their lives.

2019-03-29 16:50:18 UTC  

@vhozonian Some, like Dahmer, went through heavy sexual abuse. Most, like Bundy, were raised by single mothers that raised them according to 'sensitive' feminine standards, IE extremely lax with almost no discipline involved.

2019-03-29 16:50:40 UTC  

And because of that he resented all women because of his mother and started killing them.

2019-03-29 16:51:11 UTC  

I thought dahmer was neglected

2019-03-29 16:51:27 UTC  

Dahmer was raped, and raised by an incestous family.

2019-03-29 16:52:16 UTC  

There is absolutely nothing wrong with corporal punishment. A child who is misbehaving won't be mentally scarred by a minor slap behind the head.

2019-03-29 16:54:13 UTC  

I don't think I get what definition of corporal punishment is according to you guys.

2019-03-29 16:54:40 UTC  

Beat that ass.

2019-03-29 16:54:51 UTC  

That's more or less the definition.

2019-03-29 16:55:20 UTC  

My parents often slapped me in the face or in extreme cases mom would threaten us with iron burning

2019-03-29 16:55:51 UTC  

Eh, mine was a bit of everything

2019-03-29 16:56:40 UTC  

Well, that depends, did they do it for no reason? The slapping I mean, burning your kids with a hot iron isn't good either way.

2019-03-29 16:58:10 UTC  

The slapping was either misbehaviour or if I failed at a question when we were studying

2019-03-29 16:58:58 UTC  

Most of the time, the latter. I wasn't a kid prone to trouble

2019-03-29 16:59:41 UTC  

Obviously there's a difference between corporal punishment and child abuse.

2019-03-29 16:59:57 UTC  

I think it's fair to say that being hit by an iron is child abuse.