Message from @Mozalbete ⳩

Discord ID: 563496736686080020

2019-04-04 22:50:26 UTC  

Those were the economic and military HQ cities. No matter where we bombed, we would kill civilians

2019-04-04 22:50:30 UTC  

Don't be surprised of how, seeing what monsters threatened them, they were willing to sacrifice themselves

2019-04-04 22:51:17 UTC  

@Quarantine_Zone Again pathetic excuses for an act that shows who deserved to lose

2019-04-04 22:51:33 UTC  

The alternative was firebombing dozens of cities

2019-04-04 22:51:39 UTC  

When will you people learn to never do balkan threads

2019-04-04 22:51:54 UTC  

The alternative was stop being evil retards who are wiling to nuke civilian cities

2019-04-04 22:52:02 UTC  

The thing is this. Last thing I'm saying about the japanese

2019-04-04 22:52:10 UTC  

So you want to firebomb the cities instead?

2019-04-04 22:52:21 UTC  

This reminds me of the arguments for abortion

2019-04-04 22:52:29 UTC  

Oh, its not exactly a balkan thread, my bad

2019-04-04 22:52:36 UTC  

>do you want the child to live without being loved?

2019-04-04 22:52:42 UTC  

What I'm saying is the US was going to bomb cities no matter what

2019-04-04 22:53:11 UTC  

Even that is more defensible than nuking two cities

2019-04-04 22:53:34 UTC  

The military decided they could either nuke or firebomb. Nuking was going to end the war quickly. Firebombing would have lasted months and killed more people.

2019-04-04 22:53:47 UTC  

I don't think so

2019-04-04 22:53:53 UTC  

The military just didn't care about civilians

2019-04-04 22:54:04 UTC  

Dude, firebombing would have killed more people

2019-04-04 22:54:10 UTC  

And decided to drop big bombs on the ebil antisemites

2019-04-04 22:54:27 UTC  

Have you seen the results of napalm bombs on cities?

2019-04-04 22:54:47 UTC  

We would have destroyes the same cities

2019-04-04 22:54:51 UTC  

Well, I would see the results of nukes, but there is no city to look at

2019-04-04 22:54:53 UTC  

Plus more

2019-04-04 22:55:00 UTC  

No, you don't get it

2019-04-04 22:55:22 UTC  

Nagasaki and Hiroshima would have been absolutely wiped out by the firebombing too!

2019-04-04 22:55:23 UTC  

Why do you think people and military talk constantly about the threat of nukes and not the threat of "firebombing"?

2019-04-04 22:55:35 UTC  

Sure thing

2019-04-04 22:56:08 UTC  

I'm sorry, but that just looks like the cheapest excuse one could ever make

2019-04-04 22:56:17 UTC  

Because nukes are fast and, in the present day, too many countries have them with too much tension, so one nuke could set off many countries nuking

2019-04-04 22:56:30 UTC  

"Sure, I have pretty much erased your city form Earth, but it was for the best, believe me!"

2019-04-04 22:56:49 UTC  

Firebombing would have killed the citizens too, and the citizens of Tokyo and other cities likely

2019-04-04 22:57:01 UTC  

Would you rather have 2 cities dead or 5 cities dead?

2019-04-04 22:57:02 UTC  

I'm going to offer a more plausible alternative:

2019-04-04 22:57:17 UTC  

The people in charge, like they do to this day, couldn't care less about civilians

2019-04-04 22:57:32 UTC  

One method was slow, typical, far less destructive.

2019-04-04 22:57:45 UTC  

The other was "big bomb on da chinks"

2019-04-04 22:58:06 UTC  

So "why not?"

2019-04-04 22:58:46 UTC  

9/10 would nuke again

2019-04-04 22:58:48 UTC  

Perhaps, but that doesn't change the fact that firebombing was devastating Japan too and massive numbers were already dying at the hands of fire bombing

2019-04-04 22:58:55 UTC  

One method was much more effective than the other

2019-04-04 22:59:12 UTC  

And I'm 99% sure that no bombing would have caused even a fraction of the damage nor consequences

2019-04-04 22:59:32 UTC  

You can keep thinking that