Message from @TransEgoistCatGirl👻👻👻
Discord ID: 457853692557656074
go get your scalps
women lack basic empathy this is a fact
your coom is your soul
everytime you nut, that's a piece of your soul going with it
this is why women have no soul
can't prove me wrong liberals
what are some good reddit discords to shit up this one is filled with commie fags
and theres always the chapo discord
is this about the game or the pedophile?
jesus siege sucks, its just this james mason guy jerking himself off for the first 100 pages. no wonder it is a meme
is it? i mostly stick to csgo but siege seems popular
yea i had been playing since beta its a good game to pick up
im pretty burnt out tho tbh
il give it a go, its only like 10 dollars
dont get the starter edition
its a trap
get the standard edition
yeah grind shit to get the other characters they dont give you
well you still have to grind in normal game but starter edition makes it worse
the grind in standard game is just to get u used to the ops
cool as long as it isnt too bad, i hate games that make you play for hours to get stuff but that should be fine
na its pretty easy
not to mention there are 3 tutorial videos you can watch at the start that give you 200 renown the currency you use to buy most shit in game and that give you enough to buy ur first operator and some attachments then theres situations which act as normal tutorials and they can give up to 1k renown are theres quite a few of them
also be sure to have a good headset or sound system
sound whoring is siege
coolcool, is it a lot like csgo where a couple shots can kill?
i know everyone has special abilities which sounds neat
yea headshots 1 hit kill no matter what